Hi guys this is my first post here i found my way here via xjbikes.com (nice site), i bought a 1982 xj1100 about 2 weeks ago it had been sitting all winter , got it started drove a short distance home and parked it, next day big puddle of gas, put on center stand and leak stopped coming out of the petcock vac nipple,...to make along story short i cleaned the carbs put them back on any wanted to go for a drive....nope..clutch wil;l not move...and when i say frozen i mean FROZEN!, so now i am draining the oil to take the side cover off when i am hit with about 60oz of gas and oil 

so now i am assuming that the plates are rusted from sitting in a gas oil mix 
, so i threw some new 20/50 for bikes in there let her run for 2 mins and i am hoping the clutch will let go , i know about the 3 steel balls but i wonder how they could have moved on there own, i have a XJ manual with the exploded view off the clutch is there any advice you could share with me once i remove the cover?
