So it was a beautiful day today, pulled the bike out started it up and ran inside to get the helmets, came back out and there was a puddle of gasoline under the bike. Pulled the airbox and the gas was coming from carb 1. Took them out to discover float 1 had gas in it, you could hear liquild in it as I shook it. So I need a new float, I went to Mikesxs and one would cost me $20 all together, shipping was almost as much as the float. Money is tight right now so I wanted to check if anyone had an extra laying around that would work. I will pay shipping and if you want a couple extra dollars. THe thing has to be super cheap to ship. THanks!!
No announcement yet.
Anyone have an extra float????
Darn! If you would have posted earlier, I could have sent one out! I don't know if I'll have time to get back to my storage unit today, and I leave at 0-dark thirty for a week.
If I can find a float here, I'll PM, and put it in a "one price" USPS 3 day box. I think it's about $12.00 that way. Send me back the old float, with a dollar or two, and we can call it even.
RayRay Matteis
XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!
i'm pretty sure i have one in the garage.i'll be happy to send it to you but i wont have time to look til tomorrow evening.... pm an addy&i'll stick it in the mail fri morning if you still want itIt's just me at the edge..........waving
If these options don't work out, I have several brass floats "floating" aroundLet me know. And don't forget, you can get new plastic ones that are plug and play, never leak, dent, implode, etc. from mikes for like $12.
'81 XS1100 SH
Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire
Sep. 12th 2015