Greetings all,
This bike has been sitting outside under a tarp for 20 years, and now I know why! I've spent the winter putting this 1980 XS1100LG back into shape and took it out on Saturday for the first time. This bike is a rush to ride until you get to Fifth gear. It's not there, just rocks rattling around in there.
I've comenced to tearing it down to find the offending parts.
Any links, guidance or comments are welcome.
This bike has been sitting outside under a tarp for 20 years, and now I know why! I've spent the winter putting this 1980 XS1100LG back into shape and took it out on Saturday for the first time. This bike is a rush to ride until you get to Fifth gear. It's not there, just rocks rattling around in there.
I've comenced to tearing it down to find the offending parts.
Any links, guidance or comments are welcome.