It seems like I see posts every week about fuel in oil and air box problems, or as we call it in Tennessee - Flooding. I had a problem with running way too rich in one carb after changing jets this spring and found that even though I had installed a new needle and seat and o-ring, the carb was still flooding because the pin that the float pivots on was bent just enough to cause the float to stick - sometimes. I straightened the pin and have had no more troubles.
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Is your float pivot pin straight?
- - actually, I am fighting a flooding #2 carb and I did happen to notice the pin was a *little* bent when I was swapping floats yesterday but thought nothing of it until just now b/c the float still could move. Thx for tip nb1979 XS11F Standard - Maya - 1196cc (out of order)
1978 XS11E Standard - Nina - 1101cc