After getting the new carb bots installed, cleaning/fixing carbs, I took it for a short run. It has a stutter right around 4k or so then it picks back up. It cruises fine. But when you lay into it it stutters until it clears up. Float heights set @ 25.7mm. Had cleaned and re-gapped plugs before the ride. Added Fuel Filters to both feeds(no octy), Petcock to On. Has a 4 into 1 header.
Pulled the Air Filter and found this:
I have some Uni filter media leftover from another filter project I'm going to wrap it in.
Before I cleaned the carbs I noted that the center 2 carbs had different emulsion tubes and carb hats. These stayed with those carbs. I'm not sure which carbs hats should be where, the ones with the deeper hats are on the center 2. And the emulsion tubes with more holes in them are with the center 2 as well. Is this correct? All I could find was a part number on diagrams for these and there's no part number on the parts...
Pulled the Air Filter and found this:
I have some Uni filter media leftover from another filter project I'm going to wrap it in.
Before I cleaned the carbs I noted that the center 2 carbs had different emulsion tubes and carb hats. These stayed with those carbs. I'm not sure which carbs hats should be where, the ones with the deeper hats are on the center 2. And the emulsion tubes with more holes in them are with the center 2 as well. Is this correct? All I could find was a part number on diagrams for these and there's no part number on the parts...