If you have one of those pseudo credit cards lying around, you know, those imitations that credit card companies send to you in the mail, they make a wonderful go/nogo gauge. Just measure the distance you want and cut an "L" shape snip in the side. This way you can sweep the gauge over the top of the float, and any deflection means that you are too high or the float, floats too high. It is tough to try and measure with a rule. Just remember to cut a perfect 90 degree "L". Also remember that the height is measured with the carbs turned upside down. Also look up the Ken Talbot bench test apparatus. It gives you a chance to bench check your float operation of cutting off the fuel flow, and sticking floats or valves.
If you have one of those pseudo credit cards lying around, you know, those imitations that credit card companies send to you in the mail, they make a wonderful go/nogo gauge. Just measure the distance you want and cut an "L" shape snip in the side. This way you can sweep the gauge over the top of the float, and any deflection means that you are too high or the float, floats too high. It is tough to try and measure with a rule. Just remember to cut a perfect 90 degree "L". Also remember that the height is measured with the carbs turned upside down. Also look up the Ken Talbot bench test apparatus. It gives you a chance to bench check your float operation of cutting off the fuel flow, and sticking floats or valves.