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How not to fix second gear

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  • How not to fix second gear

    I decided to do the second gear fix, since I am generally a fair hand with a wrench and can hold my alcohol well with the best of them.

    I studied all the pictures in TC's post about the job, and even printed out the printable version as a shop reference. After carefully reading at least half of each sentence at the beginning of the paragraph, I was done with my first beer, or Mike's hard cherry-lime-pomegranate-truffle-apple-road tar-what not flavored beer. That stuff is pretty tasty, so I grabbed another one and had a good look at the bike to see what I needed to start on. I figured I could ignore some of the suggestions in the write up about taking some of the stuff off before flipping the bike over. It would be easier with it up in the air to get to the clutch and such, and obviously the guys who had dome it before me had not had enough beer to figure these things out properly. So about 4 pm I pulled the stuff off the handle bars, which got me a tad thirsty, so I grabbed another beer. I pulled the seat off, and the right rear turn signal, laid some cardboard down so as not to scratch up the handle bars and grab bar. I figured I would need some help with the flip so I asked SWMBO to bring me another beer. I'll be damned if she hadn't been drinking it too and we were all out. She decided we were sober enough between the two of us to make a beer run. She is a helluva woman. After all the excitement I really needed a beer to help clear my head, and summon my super-human strength. SWMBO was going to help, and HOLY FLYING NUNS that thing is heavy. Instead of flipping it upside down, I more or less just slid it into the deep freeze, and slightly on top of SWMBO. She was laughing, so I am not sure if she hit her head or just can't hold her beer too well. About then the neighbor came over and made some obscure reference to a monkey and a football, which I didn't fully understand, since I have never had a pet monkey. Sonuvabeech, it took three more beers to get rid of him. SWMBO suggested that I might offer one to him, but I figured he'd never leave if I offered him a drink, kind of like a stray dog. Back to flipping the bike. We finally herniated it up on the top, with the wheels sticking up in the air. What an accomplishment. I needed to celebrate with a nice cold refreshing beer. Now it is starting to get dark, at least I think it is, so I turned on some more lights, and the radio. The K-State game was on, and since football is so depressing to me, I had another beer to lighten my spirits. Spirits..... mmmmm spirits, yes! SWMOB! Go get some stuff to make mint juleps! She is a helluva woman, since she tends ot agrre wiht me on schtuff liek this. Off she went to get some spirits. By this time, about 10:30 or so I had the pan off and the sides of the engenine off, and was juhst corntermplatin' takin' off teh cluutch biscuit, and rememberated about stickin a plank in the rear wheel to help with un scrooin the clutch nut. I'm tellin you SWBOIM is one helluva a worman seens how shie kin make one helluva lohng island ised tee. Dear God theres a buncha geerly looking thingies in that there engengine. I recon I ought to just start pullin screws out till I gets the right parts I wants out. DAMNIT, wes outta beer agin! SWIMMY BO thinks I am too inebriated to drive ang git more beer. I did my best to 'splain that Neberiated were a twon in western Nebraskar, clost to where I groed up, but she weren't havin it. I told her to get the good stuff this time, Mikey's hard mouthwash is fer woosies. I'm tellin ya SLIM BOAT is a helluva woman, since all the liquor stores close at midnight, she went to Wallmarts and got some three two beer. Reckon everyone says that stuff is all watered down, but my tastin buds done checked out bout four hors back. Well I finally gots the geerie lookn thingamajiggers out of the bike and curfullie ihnspechted each un. I pulled out my dremelerator and grinded them thingamajiggers whutfer they would work better.

    * * *

    Some time about 12:30, SWMBO starts irritating me. Saying I should wake up. I told her she ought to know I have a hell of a hangover and my head hurts like someone hit it with a sledge hammer, and I should be left to sleep.

    "Or like you blacked out face down in the transmission of your bike?"

    Touche. She is a helluva a woman, since she had a nice hot cup of coffee and some Tylenol. Surprisingly I was a fair hand at grinding while being blind drunk, and I re assembled the tranny without incident. Other than the muscle aches and high pitched noises making my head throb, putting the bike back the way it was went well. Refilled it with oil, and cranked it over until I had pressure. Put the fuel to it and started her up. That strange gurgling sound was all the oil being pumped out on the garage floor. I still don't remember messing with the oil filter, but somehow, I had put it back on with the o-ring out of the groove. After cleaning up and getting it refilled with oil, it started and ran well, and I actually have second gear back.

    Loud pipes and hangovers really don't go well together.

    Hopefully next weekend is good for riding.
    Last edited by Ivan; 10-19-2008, 09:10 PM.
    Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.

  • #2
    Wow....I think even Prom is gonna have to approve of this post! Well done!


    Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur


    • #3
      Oh, yeah!

      Well, done, Ivan! Well done!


      Scott <typin' really quiet-like>
      -- Scott

      2004 ST1300A: No name... yet
      1982 XJ1100J: "Baby" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
      1980 XS1100G: "Columbo" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
      1979 XS1100SF: "Bush" W.I.P.
      1979 XS1100F: parts
      2018 Heritage Softail Classic 117 FLHCS SE: "Nanuk" It's DEAD, it's not just resting. It is an EX cycle.


      • #4
        I agree, Guy_b_g.

        I can't understand why some people say that fixing second gear is so hard.
        I'm surprised that T.C. never informed us of this alternate method of doing things.
        "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


        • #5
          That's definitely the funniest thing I've read today!

          Ivan, you're my hero!

          1983 XJ1100 Maxim
          1979 XS1100 Standard
          1980 XS1100 Special

          I'm not a motorcycle mechanic but I play one on the internet.


          • #6
            Very funny Ivan. I must try that one out with Scotch, can't drink much BEER because of the bubbles.
            Houston, TX
            82' XJ1100J Maxim "LASERMAX"
            SOLD 86' Kawasaki Voyager XII, 1200cc SOLD
            SOLD 82' CB450SC Nighthawk, FOR SALE SOLD
            SOLD 82' CB450SC Nighthawk, parts bike SOLD


            • #7
              That was hilarious!!! Thanks!!
              1980G Standard, Restored
              Kerker 4 - 1
              850 Rear End Mod
              2-21 Flashing LED Arrays on either side of license plate for Brake Light Assist, 1100 Lumen Cree Aux Lights,
              Progressive springs, Showa rear shocks
              Automatic CCT
              1980GH Special, Restored
              Stock Exhaust, New Handlebars, 1" Spacer in Fork Springs, Automatic CCT, Showa Rear Shocks
              '82 XJ1100 (Sold)
              Automatic CCT, RC Engineering 4 X 1 Exhaust, K&N Pods, #50 Pilot Jets, YICS Eliminator. Sorely missed.


              • #8
                Awesome post! I suddenly feel an overwhelming urge to drink heavily and suspend my bike upside down from the rafters.
                I know this, because Tyler knows this.

                1980 SG
                3J6 003509
                Kerker 4-1 (sans baffles)
                Fuse Block Upgrade
                Mike's XS Green Coils
                Pods w/Homemade Velocity Stacks


                • #9
                  Damn employment!! Now, I too am ready to get ham-faced and do some wrenching. That was a great post!!
                  '81 XS1100 SH

                  Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire

                  Sep. 12th 2015



                  • #10
                    Excellent post!

                    I too tend to do my best work when I am properly lubricated.
                    It's like shooting pool: I learned it when I was drunk, so that's when I shoot better.

                    I (mis) spent most of my youth drinking and wrenching on cars and bikes. (And shooting pool. Rhythms with "T" you know.)

                    Although, there was that one time when the car fell off the jackstands and smashed the oil drain bucket thing, which had about 2 gallons in it.


                    • #11
                      13 hours later and I'm still laughing!

                      Any chance there will be a video of this episode sometime?

                      1983 XJ1100 Maxim
                      1979 XS1100 Standard
                      1980 XS1100 Special

                      I'm not a motorcycle mechanic but I play one on the internet.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by blue giant View Post
                        13 hours later and I'm still laughing!

                        Any chance there will be a video of this episode sometime?

                        Oh no no no no. Me, drinking and videos were outlawed in the Geneva convention under the part about war crimes and mis treatment of prisoners.
                        Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.


                        • #13
                          Oh yeah, SWMBo said I should add this disclaimer:

                          The names used in this post were true. The facts have been changed to protect the indecent.
                          Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.


                          • #14
                            I guess that is what I did wrong, I did mine while sober.

                            The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.

                            '79 Standard
                            '82 XJ1100
                            '84 FJ1100

                            Acta Non Verba


                            • #15
                              That sounds like a typical weekend up here at KingsPoint. That is sometimes the only way to get work done.
                              United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
                              If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
                              "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
                              "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
                              Acta Non Verba

