Has anyone ever welded up the squish bands on the Elevens head to reduce the chamber volumn? I experimented with this by filling in the bands with modeling clay and found that I reduced the chamber volumn by 5 cc's. Considering the fact that every CC equals a quarter point of compression and every quarter point of compression is worth 1% more power this could be something big. Naturally there could be a down side because these squish bands were put there to create a squish effect which creates turbulance which effectively aids in the combustion process however the 2 valve vortec drag race heads marketed by Ward and others do not have the bands. A lot of folks cut the stock heads .030 to increase the compression and in so doing most of the band is removed. A .060 cut will remove practicully all of the band or recess but any cut over .015-.020 is bad because the cam chain gets too long not to mention the decrease in valve clearence. Welding these bands up with a TIG welder would be pretty straight forward after which you would take a .007 cut from the head surface to clean it up and make sure it is straight. All of this has to do with compression as the Wiseco pistons only have a 6.6 cc dome which only yeilds about 9.2-9.4 compression when using the 80-81 big valve head in the 1179cc-1196cc configeration. The 78-79 head has a smaller chamber with smaller valves and will fetch maybe 10.00-10.25 compression with the same pistons. Of course you could use the 78-79 head rather than the 80-81 head however the late head flows about 10% more air than the early one. I thought to myself, surely somebody out there among the 1100 plus XS owners have thought about this besides me and maybe might have already been there and done that. Anybody got an idea I haven't thought about relative to this modification?
This picture will give you an idea of what I'm talking about.
