I replaced the battery this season, used the old hardware and had a bad connection, which I summarily tightened and didn't worry about until next time it was loose.
Apparently a bad connection leads to frying the electrical system, eh? Replaced the regulator/rectifier and now she runs, but doesn't charge (checked with multimeter, and no tach or headlight), I assume the alternator needs replaced too.
Anyone else have some experience or expertise with this? What else may need replaced?
- Thanks.
(This would be my first post
Apparently a bad connection leads to frying the electrical system, eh? Replaced the regulator/rectifier and now she runs, but doesn't charge (checked with multimeter, and no tach or headlight), I assume the alternator needs replaced too.
Anyone else have some experience or expertise with this? What else may need replaced?
- Thanks.
(This would be my first post
