It's not that I don't think that all of you could help me, but I get all confused when I read threads from folks who refer to carbs other than the one that this monster that I am working on has. . .then I start looking for parts that I don't have. . . kinda reminds me of my old high school locker room when I walked into the wrong side. . .
Anyway, I got my rebuild kit for the carbs and immediately had problems. The kit came with 137 main jets, when what I removed were 140's. Then, when I was looking at the valve seat, I realized that the tip was longer and not tapered the same, and the valve seat assembly didn't have the little mesh ending and the washer was significantly thinner.
So, I installed my old jets, and didn't install the new valves or seat. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when two of the four floats failed to stop the flow and flooded into the airbox.
Silly me didn't test them before putting them back on the bike.
Pulled them back out. Set them back in the kitchen, came upstairs and got online to read, and read, and read. Here are the questions: Do I go ahead and install the different valves and seat assembly with the thinner washer? Will it matter that they are different? Do I install the 137's or leave the 140's. This bike does have a 4-1 exhaust (which I hate) but the regular airbox (although it has an intake line that pulls out, but it isn't clogged).
I did make sure that my petcock air lines were to the right place, and that I ran the upper T's to the airbox, making sure that the fuel was going to the lower T's. When my petcock is turned to the "on" position, the gas does stop running when the tank is off, so I don't think the flooding was due to the petcocks.
I didn't start it, by the way as it was obviously flooding before I had the chance, and I am pretty confident that the gas didn't make it to the crank, but I will check that before I run it.
Finally, the new idle mixture screws are beautiful. But, how the heck do I know where to set the darn things? I have set all four of them to "just-barely-thinking-about-touching the-hole-that-I-can't-get-them-out-of-it-they-get-stuck-again." Not too scientific, but I have had my fill of broken tips!
What to do, what to do? It's too early in the week and too late at night to drink, but I can replace those valves in about 15-minutes if that is what I need to do tonight (well, provided I don't hit the fridge for that drink. . .)
Oh, I did read a thread that talked about tapping on the bowls while driving to unstick floats. Got a heck of a laugh out of that one! Read another that mentioned "shocking" the carb with a "light blow". . .I am thinking about SHOCKING it by driving it into the Ohio River and seeing if it can swim. . .
Maybe I should have that drink
Anyway, I got my rebuild kit for the carbs and immediately had problems. The kit came with 137 main jets, when what I removed were 140's. Then, when I was looking at the valve seat, I realized that the tip was longer and not tapered the same, and the valve seat assembly didn't have the little mesh ending and the washer was significantly thinner.
So, I installed my old jets, and didn't install the new valves or seat. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when two of the four floats failed to stop the flow and flooded into the airbox.
Silly me didn't test them before putting them back on the bike.

Pulled them back out. Set them back in the kitchen, came upstairs and got online to read, and read, and read. Here are the questions: Do I go ahead and install the different valves and seat assembly with the thinner washer? Will it matter that they are different? Do I install the 137's or leave the 140's. This bike does have a 4-1 exhaust (which I hate) but the regular airbox (although it has an intake line that pulls out, but it isn't clogged).
I did make sure that my petcock air lines were to the right place, and that I ran the upper T's to the airbox, making sure that the fuel was going to the lower T's. When my petcock is turned to the "on" position, the gas does stop running when the tank is off, so I don't think the flooding was due to the petcocks.
I didn't start it, by the way as it was obviously flooding before I had the chance, and I am pretty confident that the gas didn't make it to the crank, but I will check that before I run it.
Finally, the new idle mixture screws are beautiful. But, how the heck do I know where to set the darn things? I have set all four of them to "just-barely-thinking-about-touching the-hole-that-I-can't-get-them-out-of-it-they-get-stuck-again." Not too scientific, but I have had my fill of broken tips!
What to do, what to do? It's too early in the week and too late at night to drink, but I can replace those valves in about 15-minutes if that is what I need to do tonight (well, provided I don't hit the fridge for that drink. . .)
Oh, I did read a thread that talked about tapping on the bowls while driving to unstick floats. Got a heck of a laugh out of that one! Read another that mentioned "shocking" the carb with a "light blow". . .I am thinking about SHOCKING it by driving it into the Ohio River and seeing if it can swim. . .
Maybe I should have that drink
