Okay I am slowly getting the kinks out of this beast and everything was good until about 10min of riding. I came to a red light as I went to take off it felt a little sluggish.. Was only 1/2 a mile from my house and it was bogging all the way there wanting to die. As I slowed down to turn in it dies. I let it sit for 10 minutes then it cranked up. Had to get on the throttle to keep her going but the biggest problem of all------I removed my dipstick and inside of my engine was smoking..Oh yeah this sucks. I mean looking in the hole were the dip stick goes it was smoking XS11.com Please Help....
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BIG TROUBLE!! It's smoking from?????????
Hey Cycles,
These bikes don't have a DipStick on the engine case oil cover. But they use a dipstick to check the other 2 important oil chambers, the MIDDLE DRIVE and the Final Drive.
Did you drain and then refill the MIDDLE drive unit with Hypoid gear oil??? Do you know what the middle drive is??
But if the smoke was actually coming from the engine/clutch cover case and filler hole, then like has been said, did it have enough oil, takes 3 quarts to fill it. Have you changed the oil filter yet. Did you drain the oil from the engine via the bolt behind where the filter fits. You can't drain the engine oil just by removing the filter? So...if you did this, then you could have TOO MUCH oil in it???
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Okay I have drianed the oil from the drain plug. Also removed the oil filter let the bike drain over night. Put in a brand new oil filter and put in three quarts of penzoil 10w 30. Yes it seems I do have enogh oil in her I am just so confused. I have use hypoid gear oil for the middle. I filled it from the filler hole on the left side of the enigine.
Please help Top cat.......whats hers is hers and whats yours is hers get used to it....
Back to basics, and first, please edit your PROFILE and or signature to include the YEAR/MODEL of your bike, special or Standard, there are differences for tech shooting and such!!
Could you rev the engine in neutral or with the clutch pulled in at the light and would it rev easily, BUT bogged down when you tried to take off?!
Does your OIL LIGHT come on when you turn the key on, but go out when you start the bike, which would show it's working, and most likely NOT a loss of oil or pressure!?
You'll need to start it up again run it till it bogs again, and then SPRITZ some water on the pipes 1 at a time, see if they ALL sizzle, or if some just drip, etc.??
Depending on which ones sizzle or not will provide more diagnostic clues.
1-4 not or 2-3 not, indicates ignition problems....usually PickUp Coils, so that the bike is running on only 2 cylinders=BOG and lack of power.
1-2 or 3-4 OR a single one usually indicates fuel problems!
Let us know what you find.
And remember please, I'm just one of MANY, and there are many much more knowledgable folks here, so even though I appreciate the personal request....it's better, and more polite to ask for the "FOLKS" in general for their insights and such!!
I definitely "DON'T" know everything!!!T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
By the way 10 W 30 is to light for the kind of heat that you have. 20 W 50 would be my pick for your location. I hope that you buy a manual it is hard to do much without one.http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1241/1480921818_241eade448_s.jpg
yeah top cat top cat hepled me alot with a previous problem i was having. Have read his other posts to other problems as well and he seems knowleged. didnt mean any disrespect by only asking him ,Guess i ****ed up! and learned the rules of this site the hard way. guess I will try to figure this bike out on my own from now on until I break something or cause serious problems (which I was trying to prevent from doing) and then just buy relpacements parts of what I mess up and reffer to my manual and do it myself the hard way with no tips or tricks from someone who has been there done that. I really like this bike and when I found the forum I was stoked just thought I would get treated a little more friendly than this. Oh well you live and you learn Thanks for everything XS11.comwhats hers is hers and whats yours is hers get used to it....
Hey, all. I thought the best weight oil for these bikes was 20w40, and motorcycle oil. Isn't there a lengthy thread on this somewhere? Also, if he is smoking, has he checked to make sure that there isn't gas in his crankcase? Just a thought, but I am one of those "pre-check" folks who take an extra 15-seconds to check the oil to make sure it doesn't have gas in it. I think this phobia came from a thread that said that it was the number one reason for the death of these bikes.
Anyway, I am waiting for my carb parts to arrive to get my monster back up and running! Seems I have a little "point" stuck in the #1 carb. . .
Later, gaters.
Hey Cycles,
No body was raking you over the coals or anything!! I put in a few smilies to try to let you see that!?!? This site is a brotherhood of fellow bikers with various levels of experience. I just don't have a LIFE much outside of XS11.com, and so that's why I post here a lot, sometimes to the point of annoyance of others!I'm mostly the housekeeper around here, I've got a little experience with tinkering with these things, and I've picked up a LOT of knowledge from the many other members here who have shared their time, experience, in helping others with problems, and without whom this site would NOT be what it is today. I'm not always on every day, neither is Prom, or Ken Talbot, etc, and so asking for one specific person's assistance just could possibly limit the # of helpful responses by the many other members that have knowledge about a particular problem and ARE viewing the thread, but either might feel slighted because a person was asking for just so-n-so's help?
We encourage the use of the Search functions, the many tech tips and FAQ's on here, but if a person has a problem that they can't find the answer to, that's what the FORUM's are all about!!
Okay, I just reread a reply that suggested obtaining a manual, and perhaps that's what you're ticked off about??? The truth is that a printed manual is extremely helpful in working on these machines. No malice was intended by the comment!! There are actual OnLine manuals that you can access thru the LINKS FORUM, not just the link in the left column. But it's just easier to have the "BOOK" in hand vs. trying to find stuff thru an online version, etc., that's all!! So...I hope you won't stay angry, and will continue to post questions for any other problems that you can't FIND the answers to!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!