Well yesterday was my birthday and SWMBO got me a set of saddle bags for the XS. The problem is that while they look good if I put them on I'd have to "zip" them off every time I wanted to open them because of the turn signal location.
I was wondering who's done something different with their turn signals and what the results were. Remember pics are worth 1000 words so post em up.
I was thinking of moving them back onto the tail light/ license plate bracket, I've got them zip-tied there temporarily to see if I like it... but I'd like to consider other options as well.
I was wondering who's done something different with their turn signals and what the results were. Remember pics are worth 1000 words so post em up.
I was thinking of moving them back onto the tail light/ license plate bracket, I've got them zip-tied there temporarily to see if I like it... but I'd like to consider other options as well.