The sticking floats that I had caused me to doubt the MacGyver gene that I thought I had. After many dismantles and bench test, I finally thought of a method to test if the floats were sticking on the edge of the bowls. They were, all four of them with new floats. I also put the old floats back in just to test the method, and they also showed that they were sticking at the same place. Note: that the old floats were put in by a Yamaha dealer that the P O had paid to do. Conclusion is that floats right out of the box may stick and probably will. I suggest that many of the float problems can be resolved by the following method.

Mark Float Edges: I used pastel white but any color will do.

Thread a piece of Dental Floss around float to make a loop to pull through drain

Pull ends of loop through drain hole

Bolt the bowl back on the base as the positioning is critical. Jiggle the float up and down so as to try to make the float stick.

If float sticks, then remove bowl to see if any marks are left. I found the mark on the lower edges of the support casting of the bowl corners on all four floats. Pay close attention as the mark is hard to see. If you can jiggle the float several times with out it sticking, then let loose of one string and pull the string out through the drain hole, Then check the fuel height by using the sight gauge method. Note that the bowl depth fall is not straight down but has a slight Vee taper inward that caused the problem
I think I still have the gene, but very weak.

Mark Float Edges: I used pastel white but any color will do.

Thread a piece of Dental Floss around float to make a loop to pull through drain

Pull ends of loop through drain hole

Bolt the bowl back on the base as the positioning is critical. Jiggle the float up and down so as to try to make the float stick.

If float sticks, then remove bowl to see if any marks are left. I found the mark on the lower edges of the support casting of the bowl corners on all four floats. Pay close attention as the mark is hard to see. If you can jiggle the float several times with out it sticking, then let loose of one string and pull the string out through the drain hole, Then check the fuel height by using the sight gauge method. Note that the bowl depth fall is not straight down but has a slight Vee taper inward that caused the problem
I think I still have the gene, but very weak.