I was looking at the bike today to try and "fix" the center stand. Previously when I tried to put the bike on the center stand the bike leaned to the right. It got progressivly worse. So the quick fix was not to use it. I just assumed the stand was bent. However this is not the case. Where the mounts for the stand are welded to the frame, the frams is tore and the mount is out of place.
My question is, can I hammer the mount back into place and reweld it or do I have bigger issues than what I am anticipating. How much structure am I giving up riding it as it is? Obviously I want to repair ASAP.
My question is, can I hammer the mount back into place and reweld it or do I have bigger issues than what I am anticipating. How much structure am I giving up riding it as it is? Obviously I want to repair ASAP.