Hi y'all, it's time for my semi-annual make Succubus idle pursuit. In this corner, is Succubus, the 1979 XS1100F - the reigning champion. In the other corner is Patrick, the frustrated suitor. I've kind of left Succubus alone since fall. It was better for both of us that way.
How much does this b**** taunt me? I left her sitting in the garage watching as I restored a 1969 Honda CB750. Then I rebuilt a 1987 Honda Shadow VT1100. Both run great (and idle). Succubus sat since probably September. This week, after months of her gathering dust, I put a charge on the battery, touched the starter button and she roared immediately to life. But idle? Yeah right. maybe in another space-time continuum.
I now have seven vintage bikes. I've rebuilt them all from lawn art to self-ambulatory machines. Six of them run and idle beautifully. I don't know why I can get Hondas, Suzukis, Kaws and even other Yamahas to idle, but not this bike.
So it's back to it. The Meeting os the Minds is coming up and Succubus is going to bring me there, even if I have to tether her in the bed of the truck and ride the cargo with my wife pilots the diesel.
I'm pretty sure I've got a vacuum issue since number one cylinder doesn't like to fire consistently unless I'm cranking into a wheelie. This is my game plan. Please offer suggestions of anything else I can try.
I plan to pull the carbs and carb holders and put a Ford gasket under carb holder number one, ala John. I plan to replace (again) all the rubber caps on the vacuum ports and the vacuum line that runs from carb number to to that thing under the left side cover whose name escapes me. While I have the carbs off I plan to clean the pilot circuits yet again and check the new (last summer) slow jet on number one for blockage.
What else can I check?
A few clues:
1. The carbs have been cleaned about 600 times. The carb holders are new and have no cracks at all.
2. when I switch the plug wires from one and four, the problem stays with cylinder one. so I don't think I have a spark issue.
3. When I have the bike on full choke it idles at about four grand or more. The idle drops immediately when I let off the choke.
3. The bike idles, but only above about 3000. At that idle all four cylinders pop. bewlo 2000 rpm the engine tails off and dies.
4. On the road, the bike runs exceptionally well as long as I keep the idle up. if the engine speed falls the engine falters.
I have to go change into a wifebeater tee shirt. Maybe intimidation will help.
In the meantime, how's about a suggestion or two....
How much does this b**** taunt me? I left her sitting in the garage watching as I restored a 1969 Honda CB750. Then I rebuilt a 1987 Honda Shadow VT1100. Both run great (and idle). Succubus sat since probably September. This week, after months of her gathering dust, I put a charge on the battery, touched the starter button and she roared immediately to life. But idle? Yeah right. maybe in another space-time continuum.
I now have seven vintage bikes. I've rebuilt them all from lawn art to self-ambulatory machines. Six of them run and idle beautifully. I don't know why I can get Hondas, Suzukis, Kaws and even other Yamahas to idle, but not this bike.
So it's back to it. The Meeting os the Minds is coming up and Succubus is going to bring me there, even if I have to tether her in the bed of the truck and ride the cargo with my wife pilots the diesel.
I'm pretty sure I've got a vacuum issue since number one cylinder doesn't like to fire consistently unless I'm cranking into a wheelie. This is my game plan. Please offer suggestions of anything else I can try.
I plan to pull the carbs and carb holders and put a Ford gasket under carb holder number one, ala John. I plan to replace (again) all the rubber caps on the vacuum ports and the vacuum line that runs from carb number to to that thing under the left side cover whose name escapes me. While I have the carbs off I plan to clean the pilot circuits yet again and check the new (last summer) slow jet on number one for blockage.
What else can I check?
A few clues:
1. The carbs have been cleaned about 600 times. The carb holders are new and have no cracks at all.
2. when I switch the plug wires from one and four, the problem stays with cylinder one. so I don't think I have a spark issue.
3. When I have the bike on full choke it idles at about four grand or more. The idle drops immediately when I let off the choke.
3. The bike idles, but only above about 3000. At that idle all four cylinders pop. bewlo 2000 rpm the engine tails off and dies.
4. On the road, the bike runs exceptionally well as long as I keep the idle up. if the engine speed falls the engine falters.
I have to go change into a wifebeater tee shirt. Maybe intimidation will help.
In the meantime, how's about a suggestion or two....