Yesterday I went to start Max up after reassembly and he wouldn't fire....not much gas in i get some gas into the tank and again cranked the starter no fire...then I decided to try the side stand up and tried starting it again...sure enough he fired right up..Yay...short lived....running really high idle with no choke...adjusted the idle down to acceptable levels...took a while for the carbs to smooth out but eventually they did..ok engine sounds good lets see how we did with the tranny...gave it some gas let out the clutch and off we go...went to shift into 2nd and nothing gear shifter moved to the 2nd gear notch but no 2nd gear...same as neutral...ok try shifting to 3rd gear ...shift to 4th ..ok got that too...shift into 2nd and 5th are a no WTF did we do wrong here???
