Warning...this is starts out as a rant.
And it turned out long, but I wanted to provide all the info that I could.
I cleaned my carbs on my 80g (going to take them off for cleaning number 2 though because I wasn't sure how to get into some of the jets since these carbs are very different from my 79 special...didn't want to eff anything up), reconnected them, tried to start her up without the pods....rrrr rrrr rrr...rrrr rrr rrr BANG....backfire.
Out of which pipe (4 to 2 set up)? I'm not sure just yet. Since this was the first time that I had the battery hooked up, I stopped trying to start her and began fiddling with the headlight and blinkers when all electronics disappeared. Battery connections are good...battery was on a charger for 5 hours before I connected her. I felt like my G kicked me in the nuts with her kickstand.
Here's the story on my bike and what I found. She was dirty when I bought her for next to nothing (stored for 9 months after getting laid down after 2k was put into her to rebuild the final drive, replace head gasket, tune up, and clean the carbs...which was done very poorly). After cleaning it I found a few things
1. all the headers are blue (lean burn right?),
2. the tensioner leaks from it's seat not the plug, no other leaks though...that I can tell.
3. Carb 4 was black in the float bowl...looked like something got charred. The pod filter was off of this one...maybe the entire time it was stored.
4. The..uh...forgive me for not knowing the part...the thing with the tiny needle under the float that has a filter on the bottom...the needle thing was stuck preventing the float bowl from rising/lowering...but I freed it up.
5. My rear tire leaks from the inside of the rim. Are there supposed to be 3 holes or just 1? (Not a big concern now...but a concern nonetheless)
6. My "Choke"/enricher doesn't have resistance. ie. half or full that stays on it's own. It feels like it's attached to a spring that just returns to the closed position.
Here are my next steps and PLEASE feel free to correct me or offer any suggestions. I'm no certified mechanic, but I can tinker with the best of them!
1. take off carbs and CAREFULLY remove all the jets. (I think I've read enough on the XS' jets to know which ones to be EXTRA careful with...but I'll be asking questions soon I'm sure.)
2. Check plugs. I'll see what I can read. (one of the members said in another thread "90% of carb problems are ignition")
3. Check wires. Crank it with the plugs outside the engine.
4. Possibly switch the wires and/or plugs with my 79 special parts bike since it runs...but backfires on occasion (I found gross jelly chunks in the bowls of carb 3 and 4 when cleaning). Or just buy new ones altogether.
5. After things soak...I'm going to have to get the idle jets close to being the right setting (1.5 turns from lightly seated position right?) to stop the lean burn.
6. This should probably be number 2...check why everything shut down. My battery's on the charger now, so let's hope that's it. Any suggestions where to look or just start tracing wires?
So that's my plan of action. I am a NEWBIE to bikes and the XS!! Please slap me around if I'm doing something I shouldn't. I finished my MSF course with the highest score both on the written and riding!!
My enthusiasm has me focused.

I cleaned my carbs on my 80g (going to take them off for cleaning number 2 though because I wasn't sure how to get into some of the jets since these carbs are very different from my 79 special...didn't want to eff anything up), reconnected them, tried to start her up without the pods....rrrr rrrr rrr...rrrr rrr rrr BANG....backfire.

Here's the story on my bike and what I found. She was dirty when I bought her for next to nothing (stored for 9 months after getting laid down after 2k was put into her to rebuild the final drive, replace head gasket, tune up, and clean the carbs...which was done very poorly). After cleaning it I found a few things
1. all the headers are blue (lean burn right?),
2. the tensioner leaks from it's seat not the plug, no other leaks though...that I can tell.
3. Carb 4 was black in the float bowl...looked like something got charred. The pod filter was off of this one...maybe the entire time it was stored.
4. The..uh...forgive me for not knowing the part...the thing with the tiny needle under the float that has a filter on the bottom...the needle thing was stuck preventing the float bowl from rising/lowering...but I freed it up.
5. My rear tire leaks from the inside of the rim. Are there supposed to be 3 holes or just 1? (Not a big concern now...but a concern nonetheless)
6. My "Choke"/enricher doesn't have resistance. ie. half or full that stays on it's own. It feels like it's attached to a spring that just returns to the closed position.
Here are my next steps and PLEASE feel free to correct me or offer any suggestions. I'm no certified mechanic, but I can tinker with the best of them!

1. take off carbs and CAREFULLY remove all the jets. (I think I've read enough on the XS' jets to know which ones to be EXTRA careful with...but I'll be asking questions soon I'm sure.)
2. Check plugs. I'll see what I can read. (one of the members said in another thread "90% of carb problems are ignition")
3. Check wires. Crank it with the plugs outside the engine.
4. Possibly switch the wires and/or plugs with my 79 special parts bike since it runs...but backfires on occasion (I found gross jelly chunks in the bowls of carb 3 and 4 when cleaning). Or just buy new ones altogether.
5. After things soak...I'm going to have to get the idle jets close to being the right setting (1.5 turns from lightly seated position right?) to stop the lean burn.
6. This should probably be number 2...check why everything shut down. My battery's on the charger now, so let's hope that's it. Any suggestions where to look or just start tracing wires?
So that's my plan of action. I am a NEWBIE to bikes and the XS!! Please slap me around if I'm doing something I shouldn't. I finished my MSF course with the highest score both on the written and riding!!
