I just wanted to pass this one on to save others the trouble I went through. This process involved setting up my carbs with an old brass float, setting a specific float height, then installing the carbs and using a clear tube to read the actual fuel height. I then pulled the carbs, installed a newer plastic float set to the same float height, then installing and reading the actual fuel height. Great care was taken in setting the float heights using my calipers and made sure that both sides of the floats were the same. Both fuel level tests were done with the bike running, on the same carb, without ever moving the bike. Also not that the float heights on the plastic floats were measured as instructed in the supplementary section in the back of the Clymers that has 80's models specific info.
The final results were... that they both yield the same fuel height.
So, the fact is that float heights should be set according to the year/model spec not the difference in float type.
The final results were... that they both yield the same fuel height.
So, the fact is that float heights should be set according to the year/model spec not the difference in float type.