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The shinning moment

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  • #16
    the most important tip from a pro to us is use grease on the sand paper in the initial steps. i will copy the whole process onto here that i wrote out describing it.

    and about the candy in the back ground its the chips ahoy, nutter butter and oreo 12 pack....keeps a college kid going in the morning!
    1979 XS1100 SF "Black Goblin"
    -Pod Filters
    -4-1 pipe
    -larger jets for carbs
    1982 XJ1100 "Black Sheep"


    • #17
      some hints/tips/process of polishing

      Here are the basic procedures that can be addapted to everyones garage. I have everything listed here or something close to it, except the giant polishing machine. All the posihing compounds and wheels can be bought at any decent autostore or look for them online. there are some kits available.

      I started by soaking the valve cover in carb cleaner for about 10 minutes, this removes paint/clear coat and all the other nasty stuff from over the years(tip one....dosent hurt the aluminum).next I washed it in the parts washer with a tooth brush and some mineral spirits. after that i used a fine sand blaster to even the surface texture on the valve cover.
      Then come the hard work. i started with and orbital with 180 grit paper and hit all the flat surfaces to even them out. after that i moved to a air dremel with 180 grit wrapped around the head to get in all the small tight corners so going far out into the larger areas, other wise you get deep scratches. then you progressively move to other wheels of diffrent shapes and sizes for diffrent areas, all 180 grit(tip 2....use grease durung the whole process). after the carpel tunnel sets in its time for the buffer wheels. This machine is a big motor and axle that you attach diffrent sanding/buffung wheels to it. i used 3 180 grit disks put together with grease to go over the whole cover again, this cuts down on grooves and fine scractches. After doing that and getting it all consistant it was time for the buffers. you move from diffrent buffing compounds getting finer until you reach the last touch(tip 3 get the compunds, it makes the diffrence)....then wipe it down with chaulk dust and you are set(tip removes all figure prints grease or what ever is left) rense and repeat.

      and ta da!!!!!

      this friend of mine is a pro and he was teaching me how to do it.
      1979 XS1100 SF "Black Goblin"
      -Pod Filters
      -4-1 pipe
      -larger jets for carbs
      1982 XJ1100 "Black Sheep"


      • #18
        Hey Genius,

        It does look awesome!!

        Now, as for your friend. Are you saying that he can RE-CHROME parts, or that he Pro Polishes Aluminum and chrome parts??

        IF he does offer rechroming, then you'll need to get some price quotes for US. Lots of folks on here would like to find an AFFORDABLE place to get parts rechromed!!!

        Well, I picked up the double wheeled buffer/polisher machine from Harbor Freight last weekend on sale for $39.99! I'm looking forward to putting it to good use in the coming weeks as I try to prep Godzilla for XS East 2008!
        T. C. Gresham
        81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
        79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
        History shows again and again,
        How nature points out the folly of men!


        • #19
          Its a full blown business


          My friend does have a chrome and polishing shop. he dose plating, resoration, buffing and polishing.

          my had had him do the foot peg braket on his V-Star, wow they are amazing.

          If you guys get me a list of things that you may want to have chrome plated or polished i can get him to give us a price. This guy use to own and run a shop in riverside california that was huge. there are guys who do concorse restorations that bring there chrome, aluminum, and stainless to him to be fixed and polished.
          1979 XS1100 SF "Black Goblin"
          -Pod Filters
          -4-1 pipe
          -larger jets for carbs
          1982 XJ1100 "Black Sheep"


          • #20
            got it mounted i have to do the whole thing....

            thanks for all the complements
            1979 XS1100 SF "Black Goblin"
            -Pod Filters
            -4-1 pipe
            -larger jets for carbs
            1982 XJ1100 "Black Sheep"


            • #21
              Those air filters don't look like they've been oiled.
              Other than that.... looks nice!
              "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


              • #22
                Very, very nice. Like the choke knob too.
                79XS1100SF (no longer naked, now a bagger)
                (Improving with age, the bike that is)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by geniusloerts

                  just wait till she finds out i used her good sowing sissors for cutting gasket material, and her finger nail files too.....
                  Dude, I think mom took away my keys once for using the sewing scissors. Things are definitley easier for the youngest child
                  1980 xs1100g "Frankenstein" (Now with a mind of his own!)

                  "What do you mean I can't park this thing here?"
                  "Shiny side up? I don't have a shiny side."


                  • #24
           may already have a plan for yours but thought I would mention incase you are looking,

                    Those crown nuts, on each side of the sparkplug opening, mine look rusty like yours. I found new ones on bikebandit and ordered them along with washers.

                    Unreal cleanup/polish you did there. I was thinking about painting mine black but after seeing your photos, I'm having second thoughts. Very nice shine!

                    currently own;
                    1980 Yamaha XS1100 SG
                    2009 Yamaha Star Raider


                    • #25
                      Don touched on what I was going to ask. I ordered 8 chrome acorn nuts for my head (The one on the bike, Pro...) that he mentioned. You can't see the inner 4, so I was just replacing the ones you can see. BUT... I can't find a chrome or stainless replacement for the washers. 10mm x 21mm x 3mm thick. You can buy stock, but they will eventually rust again.

                      So, could you check on a price for chroming the acorn nuts and washers? I will be checking on a place next week that does some nickel plating for these type of things. I'll post what I find out.

                      Last edited by trbig; 04-12-2008, 09:34 AM.
                      Try your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.

                      You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!

                      Current bikes:
                      '06 Suzuki DR650
                      *'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
                      '82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
                      '82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
                      '82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
                      '82 XJ1100 Parts bike
                      '81 XS1100 Special
                      '81 YZ250
                      '80 XS850 Special
                      '80 XR100
                      *Crashed/Totalled, still own


                      • #26
                        List of things to CHROME/REchrome

                        Hey Genius,

                        There's a variety of things that folks have mentioned wanting to get rechromed. Like the OEM thin steel metal chromed carb caps like on the 80-81 bikes, vs. the thick aluminum ones like on yours....that should polish up just as nice as your valve cover...
                        HINT, HINT!! Also, your float bowls, ALT cover, Clutch cover, Timing cover, Shift lever cover, etc.....these are the other parts that folks like to polish up on the bike, but others have found or had chromed.

                        The passenger footpeg trim piece, the front namebadge that's on the forks that says Yamaha.

                        CAN he chrome plate PLASTIC??? Folks tank namebages, and side cover badges might be another item??

                        Other small parts like the Speedo/gauge buckets.

                        Larger parts are sometimes the exhaust pipes, headers or mufflers, but would require him/someone to remove rust, either sandblast, or chemically treat?? Oh, yeah, also fenders!!
                        T. C. Gresham
                        81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
                        79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
                        History shows again and again,
                        How nature points out the folly of men!


                        • #27
                          -plating plastic is a completly diffrent process that he dosent mess with. you have paint the plastic with a metal paint so it will take a charge in the plating process.
                          - if it is a used exaust w/baffels, he dosen't like doing them because it is impossible to clean the inside out completly and the carbon and oils contaminate the tanks.....expensive to clean tank and chemicals.

                          anything metal he can do.


                          I made a list of all the things to polish today. It has become an obsession!!!

                          I was in at harbor frieght today and they sell all the compounds and buffing wheels that i mention earlier.

                          started the bike up today....started on first turn....hehehe....ITS ALIVE!!!! but i have a studder to work out and number 2 was
                          1979 XS1100 SF "Black Goblin"
                          -Pod Filters
                          -4-1 pipe
                          -larger jets for carbs
                          1982 XJ1100 "Black Sheep"


                          • #28
                            Now that is SHINY and I love it :-) Now that it's complete will you be coating it with anything to keep it that way? High heat clear coats do exist but I have been told that they will yellow in time.
                            KEEP THE RUBBER SIDE DOWN

                            1978 XS1100E Modified
                            1978 XS500E
                            1979 XS1100F Restored
                            1980 XS1100 SG
                            1981 Suzuki GS1100
                            1983 Suzuki GS750S Katana
                            1983 Honda CB900 Custom


                            • #29
                              Hey Rob, and Genius,

                              Did you not see this post by TrBig in the Product Evaluations section?

                              Duplicolor ENGINE Clear Coat thread!
                              T. C. Gresham
                              81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
                              79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
                              History shows again and again,
                              How nature points out the folly of men!


                              • #30
                                I was thinking of having it clear powder coated.

                                I heard that someone called steve and got a quote and is sending there stuff in?!?!? Someone from New York I think?
                                1979 XS1100 SF "Black Goblin"
                                -Pod Filters
                                -4-1 pipe
                                -larger jets for carbs
                                1982 XJ1100 "Black Sheep"

