Ok...despite the fact that I am no great mechanic...I am fortunate enoughto have a fellow XSive assist me in the tranny fix...In reality I am not going to do the dremeling fix,but rather replace the 1st/4th gearset and the 2nd/5th gearset with new factory backcut gears....SO MY QUESTION...I have read thru the tech tips but nowhere have I read of a start to finish procedeure for how to replace these gears..can someone pls.point me in the right direction???TC?
No announcement yet.
The endemic tranny fix
This link points to the transmission fix. The difference is you will be replacing the gears, not cutting them. This should save about two hours of time.
Hope this will help. Remember , ALL the gears you are replacing are on the counter shaft, so once it's out, just pull the circlips as needed to remove gears, and reinstall in reverse order.Ray Matteis
XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!
Originally posted by DiverRay
This link points to the transmission fix. The difference is you will be replacing the gears, not cutting them. This should save about two hours of time.
Hope this will help. Remember , ALL the gears you are replacing are on the counter shaft, so once it's out, just pull the circlips as needed to remove gears, and reinstall in reverse order.1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
Yeah, you just move the washer that is between 2nd/5th to the other side of 2nd so it is between the gear and the shoulder on the shaft. This moves 2nd the width of that washer closer to 5th for better engagement. I had to slightly chamfer the inside edge of the washer where it contacted the shaft shoulder so that second would spin freely on the shaft but you may not have to do that depending on your clearances. Take your time - it's not that hard to work on these tranmissions. There are plenty of guys here to help you if you get stuck! Good luck!Tim Ripley - Gaithersburg, MD
1981 XS1100 Special "Spoiled Rotten" Just sold - currently bikeless!!
23mm float height
120 main jets
42.5 pilot jets
drilled stock airbox with K&N
Jardine 4 to 1 Exhaust
spade fusebox
1st and 2nd gear fix
Originally posted by XSPastor
Yeah, you just move the washer that is between 2nd/5th to the other side of 2nd so it is between the gear and the shoulder on the shaft. This moves 2nd the width of that washer closer to 5th for better engagement. I had to slightly chamfer the inside edge of the washer where it contacted the shaft shoulder so that second would spin freely on the shaft but you may not have to do that depending on your clearances. Take your time - it's not that hard to work on these tranmissions. There are plenty of guys here to help you if you get stuck! Good luck!I will be reading thru everything again.In the meantime the parts are coming in....gears were back ordered but just yesterday all became available...and they are soon to be on their way...Thanks to all here for your support.Fellow XSive randy is coming to assist in the procedeure...
Flipping the bike should prove to be interesting as will be getting back upright1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
Hey Madmax,
I had my SWMBO flip the bike using an 8' long 2"x4", and I was stabilizing the front end/wheel/handlebars, and it turned upside down fairly easily. Had it laying on some old carpet, and had as I suggested removed gauges, turn signals, to prevent breakage!!
IF SWMBO can do it, I'm sure you and Randy can!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
tranny fix
Actually madmax, its easier doing the re-assembly dealing with the shift forks if the bike is on the center stand. I set my tourer up on 6x6's on center stand giving me more room while under it. Also set front wheel on blocks so as to keep bike tipped towards rear so it would not rock forward off center stand. Just did the 'fix' a month ago. Any gear on the shaft that had a slot or 'dog' on it got a dove-tail treatment. The dovetailing worked so well that it is a little 'notchy' shifting, but well worth not worrying bout staying in gear! Left leading edge of dogs a sharp edge, no chamfer, but figure use will make there own chamfer eventually. Also found two of shift pawl shaft pins that I had come out a year prior. Sure don't have to worry bout tranny gears picking them up as oil pump creates enough pulling suction that they both were up against pump screen, between it and the tin shield on oil pump. Just added these back to package of pins I had got from Yamaha for spares. Jumping, not staying in 2nd gear can raise some other havic too, as I found one of the snap rings in bottom of pan that had came off of shift fork shaft, the one that holds gear in place on fork shaft that turns oil pump gear along with of course the thrust washer that rides against snap ring. So yes, fixing the gear problem, and not keep on just skipping that gear and riding anyway will save you some other possible problems arrising!81H Venturer1100 "The Bentley" (on steroids) 97 Yamaha YZ250(age reducer) 92 Honda ST1100 "Twisty"(touring rocket) Age is relative to the number of seconds counted 'airing' out an 85ft. table-top.
Originally posted by TopCatGr58
Hey Madmax,
I had my SWMBO flip the bike using an 8' long 2"x4", and I was stabilizing the front end/wheel/handlebars, and it turned upside down fairly easily. Had it laying on some old carpet, and had as I suggested removed gauges, turn signals, to prevent breakage!!
IF SWMBO can do it, I'm sure you and Randy can!
T.C.1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
Motoman....dont have the centerstand...its been off the bike since the new exhaust was added last yr.Stupid F###ing bike shop took it off when installing the MAC 4 into 1.I didn't realise it was missing ffor abt a month...I went back to the bike shop and they were gone....like dust in the wind....so I guess the parts got tossed out...at any rate I have been told that it is easier to do this job with the bike flipped...so I am somewhat conflicted here...as for the other points you were making ..well I agree its better to fix it than to just keep ridin the sucker into the ground...My symptoms are slipping in 1st gear but not out of it...so the bike under mild accleration in 1st still works ok...but not under any spirited throttling....so I know this is still in the early stages...hopefully by the end of this month MadMax will have a healthy trans. again.Last edited by madmax-im; 03-01-2008, 02:41 PM.1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
I did mine upright on the center stand and I think it would have been much easier if I flipped the bike. Disassembly went ok but for the reassembly, you're working against gravity to get all those parts back in. It's a challenge to get the shaft back in with all the shift forks. Your'e holding the shaft, and at least two shift forks at a time and if you let go of anything, it falls on your head!Tim Ripley - Gaithersburg, MD
1981 XS1100 Special "Spoiled Rotten" Just sold - currently bikeless!!
23mm float height
120 main jets
42.5 pilot jets
drilled stock airbox with K&N
Jardine 4 to 1 Exhaust
spade fusebox
1st and 2nd gear fix
Hey MadMax,
Sorry, my CRS kicking in again. Yes, the bars did protect the gauges, but I also put it up on a box on the frame so that the weight wasn't on the bars, and this also brought the gauges up off the ground. I was working on a regular XS, not an XJ, and I had a spare set of old bars that I put on first, cause I didn't want to take the chance of bending the bars with the massive weight of the bike/engine on the bars!I later worked on XJ's and the OEM bars were plenty strong enough, but again, I propped it up on the box once I got it upside down!
Others have hoisted the front of the bike up like it would be doing an almost back flip wheelie, and have had success that way as well, but you may not have an overhead structure and hoist to use! Like Pastor said, parts like to fall onto your face, as well as laying on a cold hard concrete floor isn't good on my old back! And not having to worry about the shift forks falling out once I removed the shift fork shaft was another reason why I flipped it! I feel for a novice mech, even with an experienced helper, that flipping it will be your best choice. Be sure to read the tech tip regarding the steps, you'll want to remvove the clutch, and oils from the final drive/middle drive before flipping!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
gee lots to consider
ok so I am no longer conflicted as to wether or not the bike gets flipped..it does TYVM...It seems that every fluid in the bike has to be drained ...so thats good to know...dissassembly of the clutch will give me/us a chance to look at it...mostly concerned abt the clutch spring...again that a$$#### bikeshop worked on it so I'm not sure if they actually replaced it...the clutch plates are new...I will be rereading everything I can on this topic..to be continued...1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
I did the tranny fix with mine on the centerstand. Getting the parts out seemed easy, getting them back in was truly a pain. After the third time i got hit in the head with a falling shift fork, I was really wishing i had had some help to flip the bike.Harry
The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.
'79 Standard
'82 XJ1100
'84 FJ1100
Acta Non Verba
tranny fix
XSPastor, shift forks not a problem if as you start the fork shaft push #3 fork above shaft allowing shaft to hold fork out of the way. Don't slide shift fork shaft across any further than to hold #3 fork up out of the way. Place shaft/gear assembly in bearing on clutch side. At this point pull shaft back out far enough to allow #3 fork to drop into place and start shaft through it, continue sliding shaft across starting #2 fork through shaft with the forks facing up into slider of gear above Slide fork shaft through #2 fork then place #1 fork in it correct orentation, pushing it above where it would normally ride with one hand while using other hand to place 5th gear back on shaft. Slide shaft across letting #1 fork drop down in place sliding shaft rest of way through. After alot of initial cussing and struggle I studied the situation a little more closely and saw this as the best approach and as a result shaft/gear assembly went back in without any obstructions from forks being in the way, plus forks pretty much fell into place themselves with gravity's help! Likely won't have to do it again, but if the situation ever arose, whether it was on my bike or someone elses, I believe I could disasemble from start and put everything back together in a shorter time than it took to dremal all the gears providing the bike is upright on blocks on the center stand. I also chose not to swap position of thrust washer because when gear was against it the dogs were flush with backside of slots on other gear and original wear marks verified that it was fully engaging, plus being a seasoned mechanic I have a real problem with anything riding against a snapring without a thrust washer. The other being a circlip that has to be removed from shaft to remove gear in order to properly dremal at a correct angle does not have a washer, and is not needed with the heavy circlip that is used. Just my input for those that choose to tackle the realatively simple notorious gear fix on these bikes. Come to find out, this probem is not specific to the XS11's as there is other model/brands out there even today that if they get hammered hard shifting end up having the same problem and have had the same fix on the gears, which I thought was interesting to hear.81H Venturer1100 "The Bentley" (on steroids) 97 Yamaha YZ250(age reducer) 92 Honda ST1100 "Twisty"(touring rocket) Age is relative to the number of seconds counted 'airing' out an 85ft. table-top.
Thanks, Motoman! Good tips. I hope I never have to use them!Tim Ripley - Gaithersburg, MD
1981 XS1100 Special "Spoiled Rotten" Just sold - currently bikeless!!
23mm float height
120 main jets
42.5 pilot jets
drilled stock airbox with K&N
Jardine 4 to 1 Exhaust
spade fusebox
1st and 2nd gear fix