I have a 1980 Special that I have been working on (off and on) for 2 years. After doing the infamous "tripple clean" (several times), replacing the octipus, kreeming the tank,and hundreds of dollars of other things, I almost gave up on the bike beacuse it never really ran as it should have.
It always acted as if it were running WAY too rich, and was proved to be so, using the Color Tune.
Last week I was playing with the bike and double checked the timing. I found that it was way off. Enough so, that the gasses were not getting burned properly and the plugs were fouling.
I know that on these old bikes the carbs are often the culpret when things are not as they should be, but this has reminded me that it doesn't always have to be a MAJOR bummer to get back in good running condition.
I am having a BLAST. I only wish that I had double checked the simple stuff LAST year.
It always acted as if it were running WAY too rich, and was proved to be so, using the Color Tune.
Last week I was playing with the bike and double checked the timing. I found that it was way off. Enough so, that the gasses were not getting burned properly and the plugs were fouling.
I know that on these old bikes the carbs are often the culpret when things are not as they should be, but this has reminded me that it doesn't always have to be a MAJOR bummer to get back in good running condition.
I am having a BLAST. I only wish that I had double checked the simple stuff LAST year.
