This guy brought me his 79F to look at. Runnin really rich. Took the carbs off, tore them apart, took some pics to show him, then reassembled them. He just got his bike back from the shop for carb work. They were in pretty bad shape after the repair. I told him that he may want to replace them because of the stuff that was broken. He brought me a set of carbs from another XS to look at. These are in better shape with nothing broken inside, although 2 of the jets are stripped and I need to drill them out. Here's the senario.
His bike is a 79F with stock air filter.
OEM header with fish tail exaust. ( 4 into 2 )
No octopuss.
He was told from the person he got the carbs from that they were jetted a little bit bigger then stock.
The 2 jets that I was able to remove are stamped 44.5
Here's the question.
What size should I replace them with?
Should I order them as a kit? or parts individually?
Mike's XS???
Sounds like a bunch of stupid questions but I havn't been in the shop for quite awhile and am suffering from CRS ( Can't Remember S%&t )
I did a search and didn't get my questions answered.
His bike is a 79F with stock air filter.
OEM header with fish tail exaust. ( 4 into 2 )
No octopuss.
He was told from the person he got the carbs from that they were jetted a little bit bigger then stock.
The 2 jets that I was able to remove are stamped 44.5
Here's the question.
What size should I replace them with?
Should I order them as a kit? or parts individually?
Mike's XS???
Sounds like a bunch of stupid questions but I havn't been in the shop for quite awhile and am suffering from CRS ( Can't Remember S%&t )
I did a search and didn't get my questions answered.
