Hi, and thanx for the awesome information network you have here! I have been using the forum for sometime, but have been able to locate the info I needed..until now. I bought my XS11 this spring, its an 81, full dressed. I replaced the intake mounts, and cleaned the carbs (first time), as the mounts looked pretty dry rotted. The bike initially had a slight stutter off of idle, nothing bad but made corners sometimes tricky. It also backfired out the exhaust when slowing to stops, with closed throttle. This is why I did the initial work. The bike ran super strong other than that. I also have purchased a sync cluster of vacuum gages from reading this forum. I found the carbs to be out of sync slightly after the cleaning, and fixing that did make a difference, but the problem still existed. Well I removed the carbs again yesterday (third time(triple clean?) and sat down and removed everything but the choke mech. I checked float lvls, they are all equal. The problem I have now is a high idle. The carbs came right back in sync, np, and it runs smooth, but will not idle lower than 3000. I have backed the idle screw out all the way, and have tons of play in my cable. I have the idle bleed jets set at 3 turns right now tho no setting will bring the idle down. Also I noticed, not sure if related, but if I remove the vacuum gage hose from carbs 1,2 or 4 it changes the engine, but removing the #3 makes no changes. I wonder if this is a connection as the others are sync'd to that carb. I did not have the high idle until the second cleaning, so the change came at that time, and now I am stuck with it. I have used the search forum, but only found others with similar problems, and not a lot of solutions, I did try the ones offered tho.
Thank you in advance for anything you may offer
btw I live in Central NY and so far my XS11 is the only one I see..
Thank you in advance for anything you may offer
btw I live in Central NY and so far my XS11 is the only one I see..