I took advantage of my little 2-gallon jerrycan to run the experiment during a tour of northern Montana.
Bike:- XS11SG sidecar rig, 3.97 USG gas tank.
Conditions:- 95ºF
First test
Speed:- Just cruisin' 50 to 55 mph.
Red light comes on at 73 miles from full.
Gas actually runs another 10 miles before having to switch to reserve.
Finally get to a gas station still running at 93 miles. Filled with 3.9 gallons so mebbe I could have gone a few blocks further.
Second test
A bit faster, 55 to 60mph.
70 miles, 9 & 9.
Ran completely dry and dumped in my emergency 2 gallons.
Note that my bike has no windshield or fairing so is dealing with the drag coefficient of a fat old man plus the rig has a slightly smaller than stock rear tire (125/90-16 TwinTire) and is hauling a medium weight sidecar loaded with a weeksworth of luggage & my slim elegant wife so your bike should go further. Still and all, once the red light comes on you have ~20 miles to find gas.
Bike:- XS11SG sidecar rig, 3.97 USG gas tank.
Conditions:- 95ºF
First test
Speed:- Just cruisin' 50 to 55 mph.
Red light comes on at 73 miles from full.
Gas actually runs another 10 miles before having to switch to reserve.
Finally get to a gas station still running at 93 miles. Filled with 3.9 gallons so mebbe I could have gone a few blocks further.
Second test
A bit faster, 55 to 60mph.
70 miles, 9 & 9.
Ran completely dry and dumped in my emergency 2 gallons.
Note that my bike has no windshield or fairing so is dealing with the drag coefficient of a fat old man plus the rig has a slightly smaller than stock rear tire (125/90-16 TwinTire) and is hauling a medium weight sidecar loaded with a weeksworth of luggage & my slim elegant wife so your bike should go further. Still and all, once the red light comes on you have ~20 miles to find gas.