I need some help from the XJ/XS team. Have been having some problems with bike stalling at a light. I get a click, click, wait 10 seconds, then try again to start and varoooommmmm it fires up. Is this a two year old battery on the way out or do I have some other issue? When I put the battery charger on it will not go to trickle charge(green). The alternator goes to 13.5VDC when engine gets to 2000RPM, so it works. My computer does not work on the battery monitor even though I checked the connection and it was 7.2VDC with the water level full. Before that the battery was found to be only half full when checking out the monitor circuit. The test button doesn't work either. Don't know if any of these symptoms are related or not. If a new battery is needed what is the recommendations, brand/ P/N.
Another request: is anyone in the Houston area with a colortune plug, I need the idle circuit tweaked, will travel to your place anytime.
Another request: is anyone in the Houston area with a colortune plug, I need the idle circuit tweaked, will travel to your place anytime.
