My 83 XJ1100 no has no spark. I am at my wits end with this thing. I had a guy come look at it with over 40 years experience and he even left scratching his head. I hope you guys can help(2 heads better than 1 sort of thing). I have put new coils, a used but working TCI box, new pick-ups, new plugs BUT NO SPARK!! I was getting a faint spark, and everthing seemed ok and I traced it back to the TCI, had the bike running, turned it off to start putting it back together and then it would not fire (no spark now). I have changed some bad wires and connectors and noticed yesterday that a wire on a primary was bad so I reattached it. Other than that I am at a loss. Any imput would be outstanding!!!!!! Thanks all!
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Another headache
my bike did that twice try grabbing the wires coming out of the ign cover on the left side of the motor gently and giv a little wiggle then try, mine has a loose wire or bad connection in there but i havent taken the time to find/fix since its not persistent....yethope that helps if it does now you know where to start
when in doubt...get a bigger hammer
'78 XS11e, '79 XS11sf,'81 Mazda RX7, '83 XJ650lj Turbo, '95 Ford F150, '93 Chevy K2500, '04 Honda Pilot,
'89 Arctic Cat Wildcat, '89 Arctic Cat El Tigre 530, '81 Arctic Cat Trailcat 340, '79 john deere trailfire 440,
'78 Cadillac Seville
Don't steal the government hates competition
Hey Club44,
How about a little background info first. Have you had the bike running before? What happened when you lost spark? Were you riding it and it died, or did you just come out one day to start it and it wouldn't start? Does the engine turn over but no spark, or will it not even crank?
Being an XJ, I know it has some extra cutout circuits, like the sidestand, and clutch. Can't remember if it will allow it to crank but won't provide power to the TCI, or won't even allow it to crank?
Also, there's a tipover switch under the tank that also grounds the TCI when it's faulty, can be just unplugged to bypass!
And hate to say it, but the obvious, have you actually removed the fuses for the ignition and tested with ohmeter for continuity and not just looked at them? Getting 12 volts on the fuse holder clip on at least one side with the fuse out and key on? Glass fuses are flaky!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Thanks guys.
I was riding it last year stored it for the winter (had a check up/tune before I put it away, took the battery out). Went to start it and no go. I started testing everything and parts that I found giving a weak signal I checked the wires/connectors and replaced. The bike cranks (chugs) but just doesn't seem to catch. I have bypassed the kickstand, clutch and tipover switch. I will recheck the fuse again (other than the visual). When I put in my rebuilt TCI box the bike started, let it run for a bit turned it off like I said to replace everything and then no go (no spark nothing). I took a good TCI box off a friends bike to see and nothing. That is where I stand! Left scratching my head. I will test the fuse tomorrow though.
Thanks for the input!!!
Hey TopCat,
I gave a brief outline of what I have been doing in my other post (another headache). However, I wanted to let you know that I tested the fuse holding unit and got nothing (fuse out, bike on). I took it off turned bike on and checked the connector that goes into the fuse holder and got a strong reading. I assume the holding unit it shot? Can this really be the issue? I hope so!!!
Thanks a bunch, I'll get a new unit and give that a try.
Thanks again!
Hey Club44,
Check out THIS LINK in the parts for sale forum, scroll down to about 1/2 way thru the thread, and you'll find the info on replacing your fuseblock holder!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!