Looks like I need you brains again. Nothing seems to make sense to me anymore.
When I purchased the bike, it ran ok but seemed a little rich. (gassy smell) I replaced the spark plugs and all looked a little dark. Enricher was required to start cold motor. (The enricher worked good)
History: Fuel leaking so I rebuilt petcocks and octipus. Replaced Float needle valves and lite cleaning of bowls. (Hardley no sediment or varnish) Did NOT set float height at this time. Added Seafoam to fuel. This is where the bike would first start without using the enricher.
Last Wed nite: Took carbs off again and set float height to 22mm above the gasket. (I didnt want to replace the gaskets again so I just left them on). I did a vacuum gauge sync on the carbs using the home made stuff I found on this site and believe all carbs were @ 16-18 @ 1200 rpm.
When I went out for a test ride, it ran GREAT
The next morning, I started it up and couldnt use the enricher at all. It seemed like it would flood.
It took alot of babying the throtle to start. Once it was warmed up it would run good but the bike behind me says he can still smell a little gas just much less than before.
Where do I go from here?
Thanks guys.

History: Fuel leaking so I rebuilt petcocks and octipus. Replaced Float needle valves and lite cleaning of bowls. (Hardley no sediment or varnish) Did NOT set float height at this time. Added Seafoam to fuel. This is where the bike would first start without using the enricher.
Last Wed nite: Took carbs off again and set float height to 22mm above the gasket. (I didnt want to replace the gaskets again so I just left them on). I did a vacuum gauge sync on the carbs using the home made stuff I found on this site and believe all carbs were @ 16-18 @ 1200 rpm.
When I went out for a test ride, it ran GREAT

The next morning, I started it up and couldnt use the enricher at all. It seemed like it would flood.

Where do I go from here?
Thanks guys.