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Lights out on 82 XJ11

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  • Lights out on 82 XJ11

    Hello everyone. I have a new problem. I took my 82 XJ11 in for a valve adjustment and to put in a new starter. It runs much better with the valve adjustment but when I picked it up the turn signals dont flash, the brake light doesnt flash, non of the diagnostic lcd panels are lit, and the tachometer doesnt work. The running lights and the back light for the instrument panel do work. When the mechanic did the valve job I know he did have to pull the generator cover off to adjust the valves. There may be something messed up under the generator cover. Also the mechanic mentioned that I have no fuse box. I checked and sure enough it has been removed by a previous owner. They did put connectors on all the wires and taped everything up pretty good though. Any ideas about what I can check to fix my lighting problems?

  • #2
    The fuse box may be removed but surely the PO still has the wiring fused? Likely in line fuses under the tape somewhere. Check it out because your issue sounds like a blown fuse.
    If you discover that the wiring isn't fused you will be wise to correct that ASAP.

    1978 XS1100E Modified
    1978 XS500E
    1979 XS1100F Restored
    1980 XS1100 SG
    1981 Suzuki GS1100
    1983 Suzuki GS750S Katana
    1983 Honda CB900 Custom


    • #3

      If you truly are fuse-less, only a matter of time before a wire some where will over heat and cause you problems.
      Sounds like a wire connector or two may have gotten pulled loose which is causing lights not to work.

      TC happens to have a very good fuse box (inXSpensive too)
      Give him a PM.

      btw, have you ever cleaned the electrical connectors and plugs?
      Would imagine XJ has a few more than an XS....
      btw2, MC tech would/should have pulled cover on the left side, not the AC generator cover on the right
      Last edited by mro; 06-04-2007, 05:47 PM.


      • #4

        Thanks for the info. Can you specify what/who TC is?

        I will clean all plugs and put dielectric greese on connections.

        Even if the mechanic didnt need to pull the generator cover I know he did. I saw it pulled off with the screws barely holding it on when I went to check up on it. Since the cover was scratched from a previous owner laying it over I went ahead and bought a replacement gen. cover on ebay and he put it on for me.


        • #5
          everybody knows TC

          Thanks for the info. Can you specify what/who TC is?
          TopCatGr58 (an Administrator for this site, "de bosso")

          originally posted by TC
          Topcat, the most effectual, Topcat, who's intellectual,
          Close friends get to call him "TC",providing it's with dignity.
          Topcat, the indisputible leader of the gang,
          He's the boss, he's a Vip, he's a championship, he's the most tip-top, Topcat.
          Yes, he's the chief, he's the king, but above everything,
          He's the most tip-top, Topcat, TOPCAT!



          • #6
            wonder how many times I'll get to post that before I get a PM or Email

            btw, I didn't write it,
            gust copy and past it


            • #7
              I will clean all plugs and put dielectric greese on connections
              Theres more than half a dozen grounds too....



              • #8
                Looks like I will be busy this weekend. I found the wiring diagram on my new XS/XJ 1100 cd-rom (my complements to Rob Mllls). Im going to need some more dielectric greese too.


                • #9
                  PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Prevoius owner took out the fuse box had seperate in-line fuses installed. I found the fuse that was bad, replaced it and walla! I'm back in the saddle! Thanks for your help and encouragement! You guys are the best!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mro
                    wonder how many times I'll get to post that before I get a PM or Email

                    btw, I didn't write it,
                    gust copy and past it
                    Hey MRO,

                    That's okay, that's why I posted it that ONE TIME!

                    Nath is probably one of those folks that just comes to the site, posts a question and reads ONLY that thread!? How else could he NOT know who I was.....I've probably posted in almost every thread on here!!

                    Just glad he found the problem and fixed it, and retained his fuses! Wouldn't want to hear about it burning up on the side of the road!
                    T. C. Gresham
                    81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
                    79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
                    History shows again and again,
                    How nature points out the folly of men!


                    • #11
                      I probably have read a lot more than I should of these threads. My wife gets pissed at me cause I spend too much time here. She calls it my "New Bible". Sorry I didnt know what TC meant. But I did do some research after I posted my inquiry (Who/What is TC?) and before I read mro's response. Thats why I sent you an email about the fuse box. Now you gus probably know too much about my priorities in life: God, Wife, XJ11. Sometimes not in that order. Maximan's post about how he tricked out Godzilla was the most excitiing quick read Ive had in years... and I'm in my last semester of college! Well she's hovering over me again so good night guys (I'm not kidding she was just there looking over my shoulder and shaking her head)


                      • #12
                        shaking her head

                        Non verbal communication....
                        It may have been posted here somewhere...... something about a "SWMBO"
                        Think you got one


