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  • Regulator/rectifier

    Looking for some help on this little question. I think I got a bad rectifier/regulator. I measured the green wire to the black wire at the connector and turned on the ignition. I got about 1.9v instantaniuosly and quickly climbed upto 3.3V then started fluctuating between 2.2 and 3.3V. The voltage between brown and black wires measured only 5-6V ( I forget the exact number) I thought it was suposed to be around 2 volts higher than the battery (charged) voltage. I did the tests on the Stator and got what was specified in the book (3.5-3.7 ohms). I also did the feeler guage test next to the cover of the Stator and it grabbed the feeler when i turned on the ignition. So............... Should I pick up new regulator or is ther any other tests or conditions I should check.

  • #2
    No help from me, sorry. I just wanted to chime in and say that I too got mine for free.
    '81 XS1100 SH

    Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire

    Sep. 12th 2015



    • #3

      Fluctuating readings can be dirty or loose connections. Digital meters are especially sensitive and so can give confusing readings. Get thee an analog!

      You've got field current (feeler guage test), so it should be charging. You didn't mention the battery volage while it's running. is it charging ?

      Rev it up to 3000 - 4000 and you should see between 13 and 14 volts at the battery. If so, no problem.

