I have a 79 F model..looks more like a special due to heavy mods made by a previous owner. When I bought it, there were no carbs, the gas tank leaked, it had trans issues and a bad clutch. thankfully, I got it for next to nothing, otherwise...
. anyway, it runs strong, I love the pull however, from the time I put it together, I had the vacuum advance line tied to the intake boot and the port on the carb plugged. it has always had a bit of a low end lag,(once you get to about 3k hold on!). today, I moved the advance line to the carb body as I understand it should go. the throttle response seems a bit better but, now it tends to lag after you release the throttle. as I was slowing down, I pulled the clutch in and the revs stayed @ about 3 - 4 k for 10 seconds or so and then slowly crept down. I thought this to be rather odd so I experimented with it, not every time, but regularly, the engine RPM stays up after the throttle has been backed off. I need to synch the carbs as it has not been done in the 2 years I have owned them...(you think that's bad, I have an old Kaw I've owned for fifteen years and never synched), but tis seems almost like a vacuum leak somewhere, but where, I swapped a plug and a line. this is not an emergency as I can slow the engine speed adequately by leaving the clutch engaged and braking, but it is a trifle bothersome. perhaps one of the many people here who know more than I do about these beasties could shed some light for me. oh by the way, Jardine 4-1, pod filters, 136 mains, stock pilots (1980 Carbs) screws 4.5 turns out. plugs look pretty descent, I haven't checked float level as it doesn't seem to be off mixture wise, and really runs pretty good. I'm sure I forgot some detail or two, but from the looks of things I am bordering on war & peace for the length of this post. thanks in advance.
