I'm new to this page so bear with me. What I would like is some advice form the experts. I have, not to long ago bought a 1979 SX 1100 ( a fixer-upper) I have everything working but the rear brake. I have dis-assembled the unit several times and everything looks great. I have ordered a rebuilt kit but I would like to know if there are some tricks I should know. I just did the same kind of work on a even older gold wing and had no problem. Would like to get the SX'er on the road Any help would be great. Ron Moss
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rear brake
Ron, you'll need to provide a lottle more info on what is "not working". Are you having trouble getting the air bled out, is it sticking on, does the problem seem to be in the master cylinder or in the caliper, etc, etc. Somebody will have an answer for you but we need a bit more to work on....Ken Talbot
rear master cyd
Should have made myself more clear. The master cyd will not build any pressure, either on the bike or on the workbench. Everything looks good but I have ordered parts anyway. I've worked on lots of these before and never had this much trouble before. I was hoping there was something simple I was overlooking.
Ron MossRon Moss
1979 xs 1100 yamaha special (sold)
1984 honda v65 magna (sold)
1984 vtr 250 intercepter
1975 250 TL Honda
2006 Kawsaki Concours
1979 R100RT BMW
Unbolt the bolt below the caliper to get it off. The two bolts in front hold the master cyl. Blow the hoses with a compressor or sth. Dismantle and clean the master cyl and caliper. Don't loose the spring that holds the dust seal, it's a round thingie. Take it off, then the rubber dust seal (looks like an acordian). Place a wooden piece on the caliper cyl and tap it till it comes loose and blow it out with a compressor. If you don't have one, use one for checking tires. Just watch out, it can turn into a deadly piece of flying metal.Don't try to pry it out with sharp objects. Clean all the goo inside reattach everything in the caliper.
Master cyl. There are great instructions posted here, so just undo the top cover, remove the metal plate inside, clean, don't forget the spooge hole and the fact that brake oil is corrosive. If the cyl gives you any trouble, whack it a bit, if it still doesn't work, it needed replacing anyway.
You did check the connecting rod from the foot pedal to the master cylinder? It can be adjusted and it may fall out in extreme cases.
Also check the foot pedal bearing thingie... that it didn't seize.
PS: Brake pads help... prefferably non-lubricated with oil.
Replace all the copper seals where the brake hoses are attached to the caliper/BMC.
Lotsa luck!
LPIf it doesn't have an engine, it's not a sport, it's only a game.
(stole that one from I-dont-know-who)