I am in the process of buying a 1979 XS1100F. The bike seems to be in relatively good condition. However, the seller is telling me that
" ... the bike twice bogged down at highway speed. When I say bogged down, I mean that it dropped RPM's and wouldn't do more than 60. This happened only twice over the 4300 miles it has been in my family and both times it just worked its way out shortly. I have had the bike since late spring and the problem has never occurred again. I assume it was something working its way through the carbs or something".
Any suggestion on what could have caused this type of malfunction?
" ... the bike twice bogged down at highway speed. When I say bogged down, I mean that it dropped RPM's and wouldn't do more than 60. This happened only twice over the 4300 miles it has been in my family and both times it just worked its way out shortly. I have had the bike since late spring and the problem has never occurred again. I assume it was something working its way through the carbs or something".
Any suggestion on what could have caused this type of malfunction?