I'm no electrical guru, and my '78E is the first bike with a fairing (Vetter) which I have ever owned. My problem is this, running lights on the fairing work, but headlight doesn't, unless I have both the front and rear brakes activated simultaneously. The rear brake will light up the brakelight, but the front won't. Looks like I have a short, possibly the front brake switch wire, but by itself, appling pressure to the front brake lever will not light up the headlight, I have to have the rear brake pedal depressed as well. The fuse block is history, and I have a series of wire nuts and glass fuse holders in place under the right side cover, all of which check out to zero ohms resistance, indicating continuity is OK (BTW, I have a new fuse block from TC which I plan on installing soon). The connector is a 9-pin assembly with no obvious corrosion or bent pins. At idle, or with the key on, I get continuity on only one circuit through the fairing connector. Wiring diagram won't work unless I trace the bike side of the fairing connector harness back to each wire. Someone out there with a strong electrical background can probably save me some busy work, at least I hope so. I have done what I think are the obvious things as far as breaking connections, wiggling and pulling on wires in case I have a bald spot somewhere, all to no avail. Help!
