Since buying this old used up XS11, I have been trying to get the SO on it for a ride. She has never ridden before, doesn't even know how to ride a bicycle, and scared to death of motorcycles. This Sat. (7-2-05) I got her on it and we set out for a short ride. Within 30 mins she said she liked it! The ride was going to be a short 50 mi run, but it turned into a 6 hour 300 mi adventure on freeways, mountain roads and beach towns. We went through Santiago Canyon to Laguna Beach, PCH down to San Juan Capistrano, freeway to San Diego and back to SJC, then Ortega Hwy to Lake Elsinore and freeway back home. Since this was her first ride, I would give her the "Iron butt award". Near the top of the mountain pass on Ortega Hwy we had to sit on the road in hot afternoon sun for over an hour while the fire dept, hwy patrol and forest service cut some guy out of his car that went over the side and put him in a rescue helicopter for the trip to the hospital. Ortega Hwy is a favorite MC ride and on weekends there are hundreds of MC's going up and down the hwy. Lots of curves and hills with favorite stops along the way with parking lots full of MC's. Now I'm afraid that there will be little riding solo anymore.
