My neighbor/friend Gene has been has been talking about going on a ride from our homes in Syracuse, Utah up to Bear Lake. We set a date of July 22, 2002 to do it.
Yesterday morning we left Gene's house at 8:00 am MST. Gene rides a 1980 GS850 Suzuki. His son, Rod, also went with us on his 1986 Yamaha Virago (700 cc). Of course I was on The Dark Horse (1980 Yamaha XS1100 Special). My youngest child, Aaron, 17, took the back seat.
Our first destination was to get to the interstate entrance of East bound I-84 and head toward Weber Canyon. There is always a fierce wind that blows out of this canyon. All the trees at its mouth grow up bowing to the West. We had to be cautious as the wind was very strong this morning. I could feel the wind tugging at my Plexifaring. We kept our speed down to help avoid any suprise movements by the wind.
A few miles up the canyon we were out of the wind and stopped at Mountain Green to meet up with a friend of Gene's. Dale joined us on his 1986 Honda 1100 Shadow. After introductions and fueling up Dales ride we took to the road. Up Trappers Loop road to Pine View Reservoir, Huntsville, and then East up South Fork Canyon. About 20 miles of twisties to the top of Monte Cristo mountain.
It was a beautiful morning. Low 70's (F) on top of the world. You can see mountain tops below you for miles from up there. Considerably cooler up at this altitude (almost 10k feet). Wishing I had worn my full leathers. But temperatures were going to be high by days end so I didn't wear them. Just my vest.
We stopped at the Monte Cristo campground for a break. Then headed back down the other side. Another 20 miles of twisties to the town of Woodruff. As we left Woodruff we had to stop suddenly for a steer that was loose on the highway. It ran right in front of Gene (who was in the lead) to the other side of the road. When we gunned our engines to get back underway the bovine went crazy and started to chase us!
We out ran it but as I looked in my rear view mirrors I saw it run back across the road right in front of Rod and Dale. Then it was almost turned into hamburger by oncoming traffic!
A few more miles brought us to Randolf, Utah. We had traveled almost one hundred miles and needed a pit stop. We fueled the bikes and back on the road. Next stop was Garden City located at Bear Lake. I can't go to Bear Lake and not stop at La Beau's drive in resaturant. They have the best raspberry milkshakes anywhere. Made from the fresh raspberries grown in that area.
We had lunch of burgers and shakes and rested from our travels for about an hour. I took the opportunity to get to know Rod a little better. I hear Gene talk about his kids all the time but didn't know who they were. (Gene is almost 78 years old and his kids are all grown and on their own raising their own families.)
Back on the road. We head North and cross the Utah-Idaho border. Bear lake is right on the border line. One half the lake being in each state.
We ride through St. Charles and Paris. Just north of Paris we take a short-cut that Dale knows about (Dale was raised in Garden City I found out later). What a fun little road. It cut through some farm and ranch country. It was like a roller coaster. Up and down hills and lots of twisties for about 5 miles.
The at the junction with Emigration Canyon we turned West to go up the canyon. Pretty steep grade in some areas. Up and Down.
At the summit we stopped and took another break.
The Dark Horse was running well. And even with Aaron on with me it didn't even groan on the steep climbs. Awsome power!
On the downhill side of Emigration Canyon we came out into the town of Preston, Idaho. Time to gas up again and take care of nature.
Another 30 miles to Logan, Utah. Where we stopped briefly at my Brother-in-law's place. Dale has an interest in antique cars. My wife's brother has quit a collection. So we stopped to stretch and show off the old cars.
Back on the local roads for a short ride to Utah State University and stop at the Aggie Deli. World famous Aggie Ice Cream. A quick snack and back on the road. (I've never had so much ice cream in one day in my life!
We traveled through Logan City and the Southern end of Cache Valley to Sardine Canyon. Very steep, very pretty canyon. Through the town of Mantua and down to Brigham City. We took Hwy 89 south through Perry and Willard. The temperature down here was considerably higher than where we had been. Pushing the 100 Degree (F) mark.
Another 30 miles and we were back at Gene's house. Two Hundred Seventy Eight miles in about nine hours (counting our break times of course).
I don't know how the Iron Butt's do it. All of us were butt weary. It was a fun day. Can't wait for the next ride. But I think I'll drive the car to work tomorrow.
Yesterday morning we left Gene's house at 8:00 am MST. Gene rides a 1980 GS850 Suzuki. His son, Rod, also went with us on his 1986 Yamaha Virago (700 cc). Of course I was on The Dark Horse (1980 Yamaha XS1100 Special). My youngest child, Aaron, 17, took the back seat.
Our first destination was to get to the interstate entrance of East bound I-84 and head toward Weber Canyon. There is always a fierce wind that blows out of this canyon. All the trees at its mouth grow up bowing to the West. We had to be cautious as the wind was very strong this morning. I could feel the wind tugging at my Plexifaring. We kept our speed down to help avoid any suprise movements by the wind.
A few miles up the canyon we were out of the wind and stopped at Mountain Green to meet up with a friend of Gene's. Dale joined us on his 1986 Honda 1100 Shadow. After introductions and fueling up Dales ride we took to the road. Up Trappers Loop road to Pine View Reservoir, Huntsville, and then East up South Fork Canyon. About 20 miles of twisties to the top of Monte Cristo mountain.
It was a beautiful morning. Low 70's (F) on top of the world. You can see mountain tops below you for miles from up there. Considerably cooler up at this altitude (almost 10k feet). Wishing I had worn my full leathers. But temperatures were going to be high by days end so I didn't wear them. Just my vest.
We stopped at the Monte Cristo campground for a break. Then headed back down the other side. Another 20 miles of twisties to the town of Woodruff. As we left Woodruff we had to stop suddenly for a steer that was loose on the highway. It ran right in front of Gene (who was in the lead) to the other side of the road. When we gunned our engines to get back underway the bovine went crazy and started to chase us!
We out ran it but as I looked in my rear view mirrors I saw it run back across the road right in front of Rod and Dale. Then it was almost turned into hamburger by oncoming traffic!
A few more miles brought us to Randolf, Utah. We had traveled almost one hundred miles and needed a pit stop. We fueled the bikes and back on the road. Next stop was Garden City located at Bear Lake. I can't go to Bear Lake and not stop at La Beau's drive in resaturant. They have the best raspberry milkshakes anywhere. Made from the fresh raspberries grown in that area.
We had lunch of burgers and shakes and rested from our travels for about an hour. I took the opportunity to get to know Rod a little better. I hear Gene talk about his kids all the time but didn't know who they were. (Gene is almost 78 years old and his kids are all grown and on their own raising their own families.)
Back on the road. We head North and cross the Utah-Idaho border. Bear lake is right on the border line. One half the lake being in each state.
We ride through St. Charles and Paris. Just north of Paris we take a short-cut that Dale knows about (Dale was raised in Garden City I found out later). What a fun little road. It cut through some farm and ranch country. It was like a roller coaster. Up and down hills and lots of twisties for about 5 miles.
The at the junction with Emigration Canyon we turned West to go up the canyon. Pretty steep grade in some areas. Up and Down.
At the summit we stopped and took another break.
The Dark Horse was running well. And even with Aaron on with me it didn't even groan on the steep climbs. Awsome power!
On the downhill side of Emigration Canyon we came out into the town of Preston, Idaho. Time to gas up again and take care of nature.
Another 30 miles to Logan, Utah. Where we stopped briefly at my Brother-in-law's place. Dale has an interest in antique cars. My wife's brother has quit a collection. So we stopped to stretch and show off the old cars.
Back on the local roads for a short ride to Utah State University and stop at the Aggie Deli. World famous Aggie Ice Cream. A quick snack and back on the road. (I've never had so much ice cream in one day in my life!
We traveled through Logan City and the Southern end of Cache Valley to Sardine Canyon. Very steep, very pretty canyon. Through the town of Mantua and down to Brigham City. We took Hwy 89 south through Perry and Willard. The temperature down here was considerably higher than where we had been. Pushing the 100 Degree (F) mark.
Another 30 miles and we were back at Gene's house. Two Hundred Seventy Eight miles in about nine hours (counting our break times of course).
I don't know how the Iron Butt's do it. All of us were butt weary. It was a fun day. Can't wait for the next ride. But I think I'll drive the car to work tomorrow.
