So I finally took the old girl out for her first ride today I have only been starting it and letting run till warm up with a few cranks of the throttle then shutting it off I picked up a ultra classic last year so the wife would come on more rides we are not youngsters any more the XSg is bare bones expect for a small sport fairing works great stops getting wind blasted.After buying the Hardley and being off work with rotator cuff surgery I pulled the insurance on the XS so I haven't put a 2014 sticker on it but today I said the heck with it and put the plate from the HD on it I also wanted to check out the new S/S brake lines I put on it.So when I started out she was a little rough I guess form doing just Idle start ups but after about a KM she was back to her old self the new S/S brakes are amassing Like power brakes just a slight touch of the lever took a ride up to another xsers house he was busy re doing his main washroom so he couldn't come out an play we talked for a bit then I left on the way back stopped at a set of lights behind a BMW sport model not up on my bike models but anyway when the light changed he took off I guess to impress me so I had to show him what a real bike is made of when I flew by him I guess he realize he didn't have a chance he backed right off the old girl still has it driving along a little further I was stop at another light also an older couple pulled up on their custom painted Ultra Classic gave them a hello nod they just looked the other way what is it with HD riders they really can be rude. They probably would of responded if I was on my Ultra Classic I guess always riding Japanese I always respond to everyone no matter what they are riding so I left them sitting a the lights also. Need to get the old girl insured so I can take it to XSNORTH 2014.
