On Sunday after the Wisconsin rally, A few of us (Bob Falter, Brent, Bohn Frazer, Arlan, Harry, and I) decided to do a few more days of riding. I was already a thousand miles from home.. might as well keep going, right? lol. We were heading to meet a member I hadn't met (Erik The Red) and he was going to be our tour guide for a couple days since he'd lived in the area and went to school there for his engineering degree. He's a very nice guy and extremely intelligent. It only took him 7 years to figure out which 4 year degree to get! lol..
On Sunday, we left Hayward, Wisconsin, and rode north up to Lake Superior. Brent and Bob along the lake.

We continued around the lake until we got to the Porcupine Mountains State Park in Michigan. We went over this bridge, and Harry's clutch cable broke. Since my fiasco in Arizona a couple months back, I now carry TWO clutch cables, so while he worked on that, I took some pics of the river. The brown color apparently comes from the cedar swamps upriver where the tannins leach out into the water.

On the southwest corner of the State Park, there's a small park with some trails that lead to some waterfalls. A nice walk through the woods to start off.

Not a bad view of the falls from the lookout point...

But I decided to hop the railing and get some better views and ended up with a couple of my favorite pics of the trip.

Up to some other falls and came upon Arlan, Brent, and Harry. Apparently Arlan has a secret for Brent he doesn't want Harry to hear.

Again, I hopped the fence.

Further downriver, this is where the river runs into Lake Superior.

Chipmunk not very scared of Harry.

To be continued...
On Sunday, we left Hayward, Wisconsin, and rode north up to Lake Superior. Brent and Bob along the lake.

We continued around the lake until we got to the Porcupine Mountains State Park in Michigan. We went over this bridge, and Harry's clutch cable broke. Since my fiasco in Arizona a couple months back, I now carry TWO clutch cables, so while he worked on that, I took some pics of the river. The brown color apparently comes from the cedar swamps upriver where the tannins leach out into the water.

On the southwest corner of the State Park, there's a small park with some trails that lead to some waterfalls. A nice walk through the woods to start off.

Not a bad view of the falls from the lookout point...

But I decided to hop the railing and get some better views and ended up with a couple of my favorite pics of the trip.

Up to some other falls and came upon Arlan, Brent, and Harry. Apparently Arlan has a secret for Brent he doesn't want Harry to hear.

Again, I hopped the fence.

Further downriver, this is where the river runs into Lake Superior.

Chipmunk not very scared of Harry.

To be continued...