Well was riding home from work on a saturday I got that"What's around the next bend" feeling that we all get from time to time so I got home and packed my grip and decided to go but where? South eastern Indiana is pretty cool along the Ohio river to Madison IN and Cliffty Falls...
So I started the bike and at the last second I turned east and decided to stay in southwestern Ohio.But now the question was where to.....?
Well I decided to work my way to RT 50 and just start riding till I needed gas and then decide on Portsmouth,Chillicothe or Logan OH.
I have been on this familiar road many a time and wanted to it again and a covered bridge I always liked,as I was on the side road to the bridge I thought about how many times I have been on it but as I got there it was closed for repairs
Well I didn't even take a picture I was so disappointed.
Back on RT 50 heading east from Cincinnati I made a stop or two..
I don't remember where this was..

This was a rest area along the way..

Churches are some nice places to stop when you need a break.

So at Hillsboro I needed gas,dang Special tanks,so I filled up without pre pay..walked inside and payed my cash and asked about that...she never heard of pre pay..gotta love this country.
So I checked my cell phone...mistake.Couple of missed calls,ignored it for a few minutes but saw my brothers number and since he never calls I called back and he had some emergency surgery but he was ok...I was at my turning point on where to go as I was gassing up..family wins out over a ride.
But I continue my ride a little farther east before I turn around.
Rocky Fork Lake is a place I always went to as a kid....

So my ride was cut short but I still made another stop,short but a return visit is required.

Not all roads were perfect black top...this was some kinda p gravel..a little slippery but nothing to worry about.

I happen to see this on my last leg of my journy back that afternoon.

Not the ride I expected but .....
when I got home.
So I started the bike and at the last second I turned east and decided to stay in southwestern Ohio.But now the question was where to.....?
Well I decided to work my way to RT 50 and just start riding till I needed gas and then decide on Portsmouth,Chillicothe or Logan OH.
I have been on this familiar road many a time and wanted to it again and a covered bridge I always liked,as I was on the side road to the bridge I thought about how many times I have been on it but as I got there it was closed for repairs

Back on RT 50 heading east from Cincinnati I made a stop or two..
I don't remember where this was..

This was a rest area along the way..

Churches are some nice places to stop when you need a break.

So at Hillsboro I needed gas,dang Special tanks,so I filled up without pre pay..walked inside and payed my cash and asked about that...she never heard of pre pay..gotta love this country.
So I checked my cell phone...mistake.Couple of missed calls,ignored it for a few minutes but saw my brothers number and since he never calls I called back and he had some emergency surgery but he was ok...I was at my turning point on where to go as I was gassing up..family wins out over a ride.
But I continue my ride a little farther east before I turn around.
Rocky Fork Lake is a place I always went to as a kid....

So my ride was cut short but I still made another stop,short but a return visit is required.

Not all roads were perfect black top...this was some kinda p gravel..a little slippery but nothing to worry about.

I happen to see this on my last leg of my journy back that afternoon.

Not the ride I expected but .....
