After PNW'03 I had to work a whole 5 days before I could take another week off. Last week was the only week I had to work this month.
I thought about pullin' out the boat and fishing poles and heading up to the lake for some R&R. Huge forest fire near Suttle Lake, so bag that idea.
I've been on 3 multi-day group rides so far this season. A 3 day ride to the Redwoods, a 6 day ride through Central/Eastern WA, western ID, and NE/Central OR, then 4 days at PNW'03 in the Olympia, WA area.
This week I decided I wanted to go solo. I've been on numerous solo day rides, but never an overnighter. I had a rough plan on where I wanted to go, but which routes and how many days were still totally up in the air. My main goal was Crater Lake and a ride around the rim. I wasn't even planning on leaving Monday when I did. I was going to leave on Tuesday, but started getting things ready Monday morning and just decided, “What the heck?”
I pulled out of the driveway at 10:30am and decided to head down I-5 for my first portion of the trip to try to make up time for my late morning start. Took the Hwy 38 exit and headed for the S. Oregon coast. My parents have a RV in Lakeside and I decided I would pay them a surprised visit for my first break. Visited with them for a couple of hrs, and of course Mom wouldn't let me leave without full stomach. At 4:30 I finally hit the road again. Headed south on 101 again. A few miles south of Coos Bay I turned off 101 and headed east on Hwy 42. This was one of several routes I had never traveled before. A nice smooth hwy with lots of nice sweepers as it winds its way through the Coast Range to I-5 south of Roseburg. I planned to ride as far as possible and find a campground for the night before it got too dark to set up camp. I hit I-5 again around 6:30 and I had another 80 miles or so before I headed east again. The shadows were already getting pretty long so I was watching for any campgrounds on the way south. Just as I was coming up on the Canyonville exit I spotted a campground just off the slab. I rode in and looked around. It was perfect!! The lower section was set in an old walnut orchard with a stream running below the bank. There were only 2 other campers in this section. To top it all off it even had showers!
After setting up camp I decided to make a run to the store, which was just a short sprint up the road. I forgot my towel at home and a very large can of brew sounded pretty good on this very warm evening. After a nice hot shower I sat back and relaxed listening to the millions of frogs croaking just over the stream bank. Finally called it a night around 10pm.
I was up and on the road around 7:30. Hit the slab again and stopped for breakfast in Grants Pass. Back to the slab again until the Hwy 234 exit at Gold Hill. I saw my only deer on the trip just after I started up 234 along the Rouge river. It was just standing there along the road in front of a house. It just stood there and watched me go by, which surprised me. I was expecting it to either jump in front of me or take off running.
Hwy 234 ended at Hwy 62 which I continued north and east and would take me directly to Crater Lake National Park. The day started out pretty warm, but as I got closer to Crater Lake. high dark clouds were starting to move in. Didn't look like it would rain, but it made for a much more pleasant ride. Finally made it to the rim road and stopped at the Visitor Center. Did the walk through the gift shop and had some lunch before heading out.
Since I was by my self, the only plan I had for the day was to ride slow and totally enjoy the scenery. If I got around the rim early enough I might head for home. If I didn't get around in time then I would just have to figure out which way to go to find another campground. The only other time I've been up here was 21yrs ago. And I never left the visitors center at the rim!! Wow, did I ever miss out. The vistas around the rim were spectacular! There were places to pull off and take photos all around the crater. I think I stopped at everyone and took pictures.
The water is an unbelievable shade of blue. The whole size and scope of the explosion that created the crater is awesome. It makes St. Helens look pretty tiny in comparison. As I was getting towards the end of the loop it was already late afternoon. There was a turn off the main road with a sign that read "Pinnacles 7 Miles" This was a dead end and I almost didn't turn, but at the last minute I did. I got to the end of the road and pulled into a very small parking lot. I could see a very deep gorge just at the edge of the lot. As I got off the bike and looked over the side I was speechless!!
Along the walls of this very steep and deep gorge were many very tall and slender pinnacles. They looked like they were made of sand or volcanic ash, but had to be some kind of stone to last so long. They were different colors ranging from a dull ash to an orange-red. This was one detour I was sure glad I made.
I finally made it back to Mazama Village to fuel up just after 5pm. Since I knew it was too late to head for home, the next step was to decide which direction I wanted to go and where the best spot to find a campground. Also, lacking any cooking gear, let alone food, any place I found to camp would need a store or restaurant nearby. After checking the map and weighing my options considering the lateness of the day I decided to head back up to the crater rim and follow the west side for several miles to the Hwy 138 turn off and head for Diamond Lake. By the time I refueled, stretched and studied the map it was going on 6pm It was just over 30 miles from where I was, but as I went along the rim again I just had to make more photo stops because the sun was now getting low on the horizon and gave things a much different look.
Made it to Diamond Lake around 7pm. There is a resort there so I rode by to see what the store and eating options were. Luck is on my side. They have a store, restaurant, and even a lounge.
I head off down the road to the closest campground about a mile away. As I check in the girl at the booth asks if I would like a spot near the lake, or the showers? Wow, another campground with showers, and only $10 a night!! It’s now 7:30 and I’m getting pretty hungry so I get my bike unloaded and tent set up in record time. Hop back on the bike and head for the restaurant. I have a delicious burger and fries washed down with a large glass of Fat Tire Ale. Before heading back to camp I stop at the store and grab a couple more cans of brew for camp. Much cooler up here in the mountains than the night before. Relaxed in my chair enjoying the beers and the peacefulness of the mountains until about 10pm and hit the sack.
By 7:30 I was loaded up and on the road again. Stopped at the restaurant at the lake again for breakfast before heading out for the day. My options were limited for the route home today. A large wildfire has been burning for the last week in Central OR. One of the major east/west routes has been closed and traffic detouring north and south. I decided to take Hwy 138 west back along the Umqua River. I took my time and stopped at every waterfall and scenic spot along the way to take photos and soak up the beauty of the area.
Got to Roseburg at 1pm. I decided I didn’t want to ride the slab at all today, so I checked my map for alternative routes north. I found a route that continues to follow the Umpqua River northwest through the small towns of Melrose, Umpqua, Tyee, and Elkton. The map I had only showed the road with no road #. I knew I needed to get on the west side of I-5 and made a guess at which road was the one I wanted. Finally saw a sign which said I was going through the small burg of Melrose.
After riding another 20 miles of great twisting road into the hills I finally come to a turn off with a sign showing the town of Sitkum another 20 miles ahead. I pull off and check the map. Looks like I went straight instead of making a turn at Melrose.
Turned around and headed back to Melrose. I found that very few of the crossroads in this part of the state have any signs showing which town the road leads to. So I stopped at the only store in town to make sure which road I wanted to take. Once I had my bearings straight I was on my way once again. 
What a beautiful ride along the Umpqua. The road winds its way north through the Tyee Valley then connects to Hwy 138 into the town of Elkton. Then its east again on Hwy 38 through the town of Drain towards I-5. Just before the I-5 exit I head north on Territorial Hwy. This takes me north all the way to Corvallis where it is a short 10 miles east home to Albany. Arrived home around 7pm after a great several days of exploring many new roads and places that I have never been too even though I have lived in this state all my life.
I still have the rest of the week off.
Now what do I do????????
I know!!!!! Ride some more!!!!!! SEE YA!!!!!!!
I'll try to get some photos posted later this weekend.

I've been on 3 multi-day group rides so far this season. A 3 day ride to the Redwoods, a 6 day ride through Central/Eastern WA, western ID, and NE/Central OR, then 4 days at PNW'03 in the Olympia, WA area.
This week I decided I wanted to go solo. I've been on numerous solo day rides, but never an overnighter. I had a rough plan on where I wanted to go, but which routes and how many days were still totally up in the air. My main goal was Crater Lake and a ride around the rim. I wasn't even planning on leaving Monday when I did. I was going to leave on Tuesday, but started getting things ready Monday morning and just decided, “What the heck?”
I pulled out of the driveway at 10:30am and decided to head down I-5 for my first portion of the trip to try to make up time for my late morning start. Took the Hwy 38 exit and headed for the S. Oregon coast. My parents have a RV in Lakeside and I decided I would pay them a surprised visit for my first break. Visited with them for a couple of hrs, and of course Mom wouldn't let me leave without full stomach. At 4:30 I finally hit the road again. Headed south on 101 again. A few miles south of Coos Bay I turned off 101 and headed east on Hwy 42. This was one of several routes I had never traveled before. A nice smooth hwy with lots of nice sweepers as it winds its way through the Coast Range to I-5 south of Roseburg. I planned to ride as far as possible and find a campground for the night before it got too dark to set up camp. I hit I-5 again around 6:30 and I had another 80 miles or so before I headed east again. The shadows were already getting pretty long so I was watching for any campgrounds on the way south. Just as I was coming up on the Canyonville exit I spotted a campground just off the slab. I rode in and looked around. It was perfect!! The lower section was set in an old walnut orchard with a stream running below the bank. There were only 2 other campers in this section. To top it all off it even had showers!
After setting up camp I decided to make a run to the store, which was just a short sprint up the road. I forgot my towel at home and a very large can of brew sounded pretty good on this very warm evening. After a nice hot shower I sat back and relaxed listening to the millions of frogs croaking just over the stream bank. Finally called it a night around 10pm.
I was up and on the road around 7:30. Hit the slab again and stopped for breakfast in Grants Pass. Back to the slab again until the Hwy 234 exit at Gold Hill. I saw my only deer on the trip just after I started up 234 along the Rouge river. It was just standing there along the road in front of a house. It just stood there and watched me go by, which surprised me. I was expecting it to either jump in front of me or take off running.

Since I was by my self, the only plan I had for the day was to ride slow and totally enjoy the scenery. If I got around the rim early enough I might head for home. If I didn't get around in time then I would just have to figure out which way to go to find another campground. The only other time I've been up here was 21yrs ago. And I never left the visitors center at the rim!! Wow, did I ever miss out. The vistas around the rim were spectacular! There were places to pull off and take photos all around the crater. I think I stopped at everyone and took pictures.

I finally made it back to Mazama Village to fuel up just after 5pm. Since I knew it was too late to head for home, the next step was to decide which direction I wanted to go and where the best spot to find a campground. Also, lacking any cooking gear, let alone food, any place I found to camp would need a store or restaurant nearby. After checking the map and weighing my options considering the lateness of the day I decided to head back up to the crater rim and follow the west side for several miles to the Hwy 138 turn off and head for Diamond Lake. By the time I refueled, stretched and studied the map it was going on 6pm It was just over 30 miles from where I was, but as I went along the rim again I just had to make more photo stops because the sun was now getting low on the horizon and gave things a much different look.

Made it to Diamond Lake around 7pm. There is a resort there so I rode by to see what the store and eating options were. Luck is on my side. They have a store, restaurant, and even a lounge.

By 7:30 I was loaded up and on the road again. Stopped at the restaurant at the lake again for breakfast before heading out for the day. My options were limited for the route home today. A large wildfire has been burning for the last week in Central OR. One of the major east/west routes has been closed and traffic detouring north and south. I decided to take Hwy 138 west back along the Umqua River. I took my time and stopped at every waterfall and scenic spot along the way to take photos and soak up the beauty of the area.
Got to Roseburg at 1pm. I decided I didn’t want to ride the slab at all today, so I checked my map for alternative routes north. I found a route that continues to follow the Umpqua River northwest through the small towns of Melrose, Umpqua, Tyee, and Elkton. The map I had only showed the road with no road #. I knew I needed to get on the west side of I-5 and made a guess at which road was the one I wanted. Finally saw a sign which said I was going through the small burg of Melrose.
After riding another 20 miles of great twisting road into the hills I finally come to a turn off with a sign showing the town of Sitkum another 20 miles ahead. I pull off and check the map. Looks like I went straight instead of making a turn at Melrose.

What a beautiful ride along the Umpqua. The road winds its way north through the Tyee Valley then connects to Hwy 138 into the town of Elkton. Then its east again on Hwy 38 through the town of Drain towards I-5. Just before the I-5 exit I head north on Territorial Hwy. This takes me north all the way to Corvallis where it is a short 10 miles east home to Albany. Arrived home around 7pm after a great several days of exploring many new roads and places that I have never been too even though I have lived in this state all my life.
I still have the rest of the week off.

I'll try to get some photos posted later this weekend.