Another successful MoM with approximately 15 bikes, lots of extremely great people, WAY too much food and far too few pictures to document it all...
It began Friday morning with rpgoerlich riding up from the Houston area and Da-bubble coming in from OKC with his Dad from Dallas... Da-bubble's most awesome bobber was the first patient to go under the wrench for a valve shim adjustment and to have the clutch discs and springs replaced...
A pic of the patient open for surgery on the operating table...

I had ridden up to Ardmore, OK to meet up with the northern contingent and the tear down was well underway by the time we got back... but it didn't take long for everyone to join in on the fun... with several others rolling in to help, point and supervise during the procedure...
Who needs a bigger hammer when you have a big stick?

A few pics of bikes and XSives...

Bigfoot was able to get quite a few things done on my Midnight as well... I mean... his Midnight... ahem...

There was no shortage of helpers...

Around 6:30... everyone took a break to go down to the neighbors' home where the food had been set up... It was a combination block party/ rally dinner but I had no idea the neighborhood watch officer planned on giving a presentation... Everyone was pretty cool about it though and I think some were very thankful for the added break - although there were a couple of hecklers (names will be withheld... not to protect the innocent... but because everyone knows who it is anyway)

Da-bubble's bike was buttoned up after dinner and the lift was empty... waiting for the next patient... which ended up being a little more involved than most realized...
kirmit77 and his boss, Bob, arrived pulling this...

kirmit77 has been pretty busy lately... so the guys told him half-jokingly to put what he had in some boxes and bring it up... to their surprise and delight... he did...

Saturday it went on the lift for some reconstructive surgery...
It's the first time a bike has gone on this lift by being lifted rather than rolled...

Unfortunately... not all of the parts made it up... so they worked with what they had...
Some progression shots...

They got as far as they could before it had to be put back on the trailer... but kirmit was happy...

Look at that smile... just wait until it actually has an engine to propel it...
Although... he has a pretty sweet set up with his 1 Boss Hoss power... it even comes with reverse...

The set up is so intimidating that nobody wanted to race him... Here he is on the starting line...

Unfortunately... the weekend was not without its human casualties as some have seen by trbig's post here...
Down and Dirty
All I have to say about that is...
Despite that part... it was an incredible weekend and I was lucky to meet some new XSives and spend some time with some really good friends... Thanks to everyone who made it in and a huge thanks to everyone who helped throughout it all!
I can't wait until we can do it again...
and speaking of... next year... it's in April (bring your rain gear)
This high 90s stuff in June... well... it's in April next year... lol
It began Friday morning with rpgoerlich riding up from the Houston area and Da-bubble coming in from OKC with his Dad from Dallas... Da-bubble's most awesome bobber was the first patient to go under the wrench for a valve shim adjustment and to have the clutch discs and springs replaced...
A pic of the patient open for surgery on the operating table...

I had ridden up to Ardmore, OK to meet up with the northern contingent and the tear down was well underway by the time we got back... but it didn't take long for everyone to join in on the fun... with several others rolling in to help, point and supervise during the procedure...
Who needs a bigger hammer when you have a big stick?

A few pics of bikes and XSives...

Bigfoot was able to get quite a few things done on my Midnight as well... I mean... his Midnight... ahem...

There was no shortage of helpers...

Around 6:30... everyone took a break to go down to the neighbors' home where the food had been set up... It was a combination block party/ rally dinner but I had no idea the neighborhood watch officer planned on giving a presentation... Everyone was pretty cool about it though and I think some were very thankful for the added break - although there were a couple of hecklers (names will be withheld... not to protect the innocent... but because everyone knows who it is anyway)

Da-bubble's bike was buttoned up after dinner and the lift was empty... waiting for the next patient... which ended up being a little more involved than most realized...
kirmit77 and his boss, Bob, arrived pulling this...

kirmit77 has been pretty busy lately... so the guys told him half-jokingly to put what he had in some boxes and bring it up... to their surprise and delight... he did...

Saturday it went on the lift for some reconstructive surgery...
It's the first time a bike has gone on this lift by being lifted rather than rolled...

Unfortunately... not all of the parts made it up... so they worked with what they had...
Some progression shots...

They got as far as they could before it had to be put back on the trailer... but kirmit was happy...

Look at that smile... just wait until it actually has an engine to propel it...
Although... he has a pretty sweet set up with his 1 Boss Hoss power... it even comes with reverse...

The set up is so intimidating that nobody wanted to race him... Here he is on the starting line...

Unfortunately... the weekend was not without its human casualties as some have seen by trbig's post here...
Down and Dirty
All I have to say about that is...
Despite that part... it was an incredible weekend and I was lucky to meet some new XSives and spend some time with some really good friends... Thanks to everyone who made it in and a huge thanks to everyone who helped throughout it all!
I can't wait until we can do it again...
and speaking of... next year... it's in April (bring your rain gear)
This high 90s stuff in June... well... it's in April next year... lol
