As I arrive at Brians on time:-) he is still wiping the dew from his Shadow.He called the other day and said lets ride on sunday and I said ok.....whoops...we didn't discuss where we were going,small talk about tried and true rides...naw..lets go to to Madison IN.( we are in Cincinnati OH) So we bounce our way down RT.128 from Colerain township to RT. 50 west where we cruise thru once sleepy river towns of Aurora and Lawrence IN now with the riverboat casinos.....we stay on RT 50 west till we pick up RT 62 in Dillsboro IN.Norman Rockwell would have been at home here....just a great little town,clean,clothes hanging out to dry.....Here we are on RT 62

.....as we leave town Indiana has a welcome motorcylist sign

People wave at ya along the way and this one town has a big flea market,Boy Scout Camp and a Mussle Loaders camp site with a very nice hello and see ya again sign..

As we made our way thru the hills and hollows and following the creeks we finally made it to Madison IN where we stoped at a Frisches and we both got the #1 breakfast.........2 eggs,hash browns,choice of meat and toast with coffee and oj....ahhh..it don't get any better:-)
From there we went a bit further west to RT 7 which really dropped us down in elevation to get us to the Ohio River and the old part of Madison...
A couple of pics.....

Well this picture....what a difference in bikes...the Shadow just looks like a lump along the road while the 1100 has a wild Steed wanting to go look...my 1100 will be 28 this saturday!!

After Madison we took another great bike road back home but is was a bit tamer than RT62 we followed RT56 back till we hit civilization:-0
A couple of other pics from the ride:-)

And of course the star who ran like a champ!!!!!
