This was not a long or Monument-us ride, but it made all the difference.
This report includes no details on weather, road, bike, traffic, envious bystanders or other conditions. It was all good. Those of you who have been on a 'GOOD ride' need no explanation.
" How was your weekend? "did you get stuffed?"
Yes, Leeanne and Starr cooked - XSive, even by my standards
PMS Parked motorcycle syndrome. I went a day or two without riding...Worked, planted 1000-2000 flowers in my yard, cooked Turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, Ate pumpkin pie, cake, ice-cream congealed salad, pickled mushrooms, apple rings, black & green olives, sweet potato souffle, Green been casserole, plain green beans, corn casserole, Cheese&macaroni, ice tea, lemonade, cornbread, biscuits, dinner rolls, probably something I can not remember, and cranberry sauce.
I know that one or two days without riding is not usually fatal, but...late November, temps in the 70's sunny with no chance of rain, warm, wind calm...Brother Jon tells me it was REALLY nice riding when he went...I hear bikes passing on nearby roads...I can see my bikes (2 or 3) ready to go...I am having a little trouble feeling grateful on this Thanksgiving Day...
I have planting flowers, raking pine cones and straw from drive & walk, cleaning & cooking to do. Duty, devotion, promises to keep,
Thank Goodness wife asked me to go get a gallon of milk about an hour before family scheduled to arrive. I returned on bike with milk, JUST before the first family guests arrived. It was a nice get together & feast.
Hmmm, It just now occurs to me that wife already had plenty of milk in fridge when she asked me to go get some. Seems she out-smarted me for my own good again.
Sometimes, I am just LUCKY.
This report includes no details on weather, road, bike, traffic, envious bystanders or other conditions. It was all good. Those of you who have been on a 'GOOD ride' need no explanation.
" How was your weekend? "did you get stuffed?"
Yes, Leeanne and Starr cooked - XSive, even by my standards

PMS Parked motorcycle syndrome. I went a day or two without riding...Worked, planted 1000-2000 flowers in my yard, cooked Turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, Ate pumpkin pie, cake, ice-cream congealed salad, pickled mushrooms, apple rings, black & green olives, sweet potato souffle, Green been casserole, plain green beans, corn casserole, Cheese&macaroni, ice tea, lemonade, cornbread, biscuits, dinner rolls, probably something I can not remember, and cranberry sauce.
I know that one or two days without riding is not usually fatal, but...late November, temps in the 70's sunny with no chance of rain, warm, wind calm...Brother Jon tells me it was REALLY nice riding when he went...I hear bikes passing on nearby roads...I can see my bikes (2 or 3) ready to go...I am having a little trouble feeling grateful on this Thanksgiving Day...
I have planting flowers, raking pine cones and straw from drive & walk, cleaning & cooking to do. Duty, devotion, promises to keep,
Thank Goodness wife asked me to go get a gallon of milk about an hour before family scheduled to arrive. I returned on bike with milk, JUST before the first family guests arrived. It was a nice get together & feast.
Hmmm, It just now occurs to me that wife already had plenty of milk in fridge when she asked me to go get some. Seems she out-smarted me for my own good again.
Sometimes, I am just LUCKY.