This was probably the most well attended run in GMR history, due in part to the spreading fame of the event, and the absolutely perfect weather. It was just warm, (or cool,) enough for me to debate whether or not to put on a sweatshirt under my "Joe Rocket" mesh jacket. I opted to not, and it turned out to be the right choice: I would have been uncomfortably warm otherwise.
After a jam packed sign- in we left Don Quixote's restaurant at 11:30 A.M. sharp. Knowing the routine, I parked along the beginning of the route so I could get a shot of "the leader of the pack," and his honor guard as they rounded the first turn. I really wanted to be in the middle of the pack for photographic purposes, so I wasn't in a big hurry to put on my helment and join the ride. Right on que., a Beemer buddy and Vampire Club rider rides by and motions for me to jump in, which I did.

Small part of the starting point at Don Quixotes

Here comes "The Leader of the Pack!"
We road up and over Bonny Doone via Felton Empire Rd. and Pine Flat Rd. to Hwy. 1 which comes out around Davenport. I invite the reader to do a mapquest search of the area to follow along.: I have limited time to write this or I would include a map of the route. This road climbs a couple of thousand feet in a few miles through the Redwoods. These are the biggest trees in the world. Although this area was clear-cut after the 1906 earthquake, the second growth trees are still BIG! Between Felton and Davenport we traveled through several interesting changes in flora and topography., but I was too busy riding , and I just didn't think I could talk 1000 bikers into stopping so I could take pictures!
All along the way people watched and waved as we road by. It is an awesome sight (and sound) to see and hear 1000 bikes, most very loud, rumble by for a good 10 minutes! Oh yes, there were a few sour pusses who had their own agendas, and wanted us to let them cross the road, or some such silly thing, but oh well...
Up Hwy.1 we road for some 30 miles. Bikes as far as the eye can see in both directions: absolutely perfect weather; some of the most beautiful scenery in the world; people along the way waving and smiling; approaching bikers giving the thumbs- up, and obviously jealous as hell: my brothers and sisters of XS, it was an absolutely splendid moment in time!

The view looking north

An over the shoulder shot looking South!

And a shot to the West!

Speaks for itself!
I just wasted an hour trying to find the name of the Hwy. connecting Hwy 1 with Hwy 35 AKA Skyline Rd. As far as I'm concerned Map Quest and "Bailey Properties" both suck! At any rate, we turned inland up a here- to- fore unnamed Hwy. through La Honda CA, and stopped at Applejacks Tavern for the halfway stop, poker draw, hotdawg etc. stop. At this point I had to call my "partner" who I had left off near home to coat a floor, to see where he was at. He said he was about an hour from being done. This is the upside and the downside of self-employment: you get to make your own hours as long as you are on call 24/7.
Applejacks Tavern, La Honda
I left Applejacks on my own as soon as we arrived. I jammed up to Alice's Restaurant ( a very popular biker stop, deserving its own post some day,) and jammed down Skyline ( officially Hwy 35) to Hwy 9. This stretch of blue Hwy is very popular with bikers, especially those of the sport bike set: very curvy and scenic. There are places where one can catch glimpses of the South Bay to the East, and the Pacific Ocean to the West within a few hundred yards of road. Rumor has it that there is a "Century Club," wherein sport bikers know how long it takes to ride from Alice's Restaurant to the junction of 35 and Hwy 9 and average 100 MPH: those who make it join the "Century Club." A few who didn't make it, unfortunately, went on to meet thier Maker.
The ride down Hwy. 9 to Boulder Creek is likewise scenic and curvy, and very popular with sportbike riders, since there are no intersections or drive ways to worry about, and knee- dragging becomes the order of the day! Of course there are deer, and they are simply no match for a GXR, speed wise: knowhatimean Vern?
Unfortunately this leg of the ride went un photographed since I was under a time constraint. I jammed home, got in my cage, drove up Hwy 17 to Vine Hill Rd., (about 15 miles) to get my partner and load up tools, dropped him off in Santa Cruz, drove back to Felton, got back on my bike and road back up Hwy 9 to Boulder Creek, took a left down Hwy 236, (AKA Big Basin Road,) and road the 2 or 3 miles to rejoin the ride at Camp Krem. This is an incredible party facility. It is a camp for "mentally challenged" children. It has cabins which are made available to overnight campers, and a fairly large cafeteria facility where the raffle and poker hand prizes are given out. Oh yea, then there is the meal that comes with the $20 entry fee, and the "adult entertainment," which is actually fairly innocuous: no wet T shirt contest, and the closest thing to a live sex performance was a women's beer drinking contest. I won't elaborate: unless you insist.
The Ghost Mountain Riders donate most of the proceeds to Camp Krem in exchange for their being able to use the camp facilities to party. Let's see: over 1000 riders times twenty bucks, plus proceeds from the memorabilia, booze etc. How cool is that? Having fun and doing good all at the same time!

My vote for Best of Show. But then, I love Rat Bikes!
After a jam packed sign- in we left Don Quixote's restaurant at 11:30 A.M. sharp. Knowing the routine, I parked along the beginning of the route so I could get a shot of "the leader of the pack," and his honor guard as they rounded the first turn. I really wanted to be in the middle of the pack for photographic purposes, so I wasn't in a big hurry to put on my helment and join the ride. Right on que., a Beemer buddy and Vampire Club rider rides by and motions for me to jump in, which I did.

Small part of the starting point at Don Quixotes

Here comes "The Leader of the Pack!"
We road up and over Bonny Doone via Felton Empire Rd. and Pine Flat Rd. to Hwy. 1 which comes out around Davenport. I invite the reader to do a mapquest search of the area to follow along.: I have limited time to write this or I would include a map of the route. This road climbs a couple of thousand feet in a few miles through the Redwoods. These are the biggest trees in the world. Although this area was clear-cut after the 1906 earthquake, the second growth trees are still BIG! Between Felton and Davenport we traveled through several interesting changes in flora and topography., but I was too busy riding , and I just didn't think I could talk 1000 bikers into stopping so I could take pictures!
All along the way people watched and waved as we road by. It is an awesome sight (and sound) to see and hear 1000 bikes, most very loud, rumble by for a good 10 minutes! Oh yes, there were a few sour pusses who had their own agendas, and wanted us to let them cross the road, or some such silly thing, but oh well...
Up Hwy.1 we road for some 30 miles. Bikes as far as the eye can see in both directions: absolutely perfect weather; some of the most beautiful scenery in the world; people along the way waving and smiling; approaching bikers giving the thumbs- up, and obviously jealous as hell: my brothers and sisters of XS, it was an absolutely splendid moment in time!

The view looking north

An over the shoulder shot looking South!

And a shot to the West!

Speaks for itself!
I just wasted an hour trying to find the name of the Hwy. connecting Hwy 1 with Hwy 35 AKA Skyline Rd. As far as I'm concerned Map Quest and "Bailey Properties" both suck! At any rate, we turned inland up a here- to- fore unnamed Hwy. through La Honda CA, and stopped at Applejacks Tavern for the halfway stop, poker draw, hotdawg etc. stop. At this point I had to call my "partner" who I had left off near home to coat a floor, to see where he was at. He said he was about an hour from being done. This is the upside and the downside of self-employment: you get to make your own hours as long as you are on call 24/7.
Applejacks Tavern, La Honda
I left Applejacks on my own as soon as we arrived. I jammed up to Alice's Restaurant ( a very popular biker stop, deserving its own post some day,) and jammed down Skyline ( officially Hwy 35) to Hwy 9. This stretch of blue Hwy is very popular with bikers, especially those of the sport bike set: very curvy and scenic. There are places where one can catch glimpses of the South Bay to the East, and the Pacific Ocean to the West within a few hundred yards of road. Rumor has it that there is a "Century Club," wherein sport bikers know how long it takes to ride from Alice's Restaurant to the junction of 35 and Hwy 9 and average 100 MPH: those who make it join the "Century Club." A few who didn't make it, unfortunately, went on to meet thier Maker.
The ride down Hwy. 9 to Boulder Creek is likewise scenic and curvy, and very popular with sportbike riders, since there are no intersections or drive ways to worry about, and knee- dragging becomes the order of the day! Of course there are deer, and they are simply no match for a GXR, speed wise: knowhatimean Vern?
Unfortunately this leg of the ride went un photographed since I was under a time constraint. I jammed home, got in my cage, drove up Hwy 17 to Vine Hill Rd., (about 15 miles) to get my partner and load up tools, dropped him off in Santa Cruz, drove back to Felton, got back on my bike and road back up Hwy 9 to Boulder Creek, took a left down Hwy 236, (AKA Big Basin Road,) and road the 2 or 3 miles to rejoin the ride at Camp Krem. This is an incredible party facility. It is a camp for "mentally challenged" children. It has cabins which are made available to overnight campers, and a fairly large cafeteria facility where the raffle and poker hand prizes are given out. Oh yea, then there is the meal that comes with the $20 entry fee, and the "adult entertainment," which is actually fairly innocuous: no wet T shirt contest, and the closest thing to a live sex performance was a women's beer drinking contest. I won't elaborate: unless you insist.
The Ghost Mountain Riders donate most of the proceeds to Camp Krem in exchange for their being able to use the camp facilities to party. Let's see: over 1000 riders times twenty bucks, plus proceeds from the memorabilia, booze etc. How cool is that? Having fun and doing good all at the same time!

My vote for Best of Show. But then, I love Rat Bikes!