About 3Pm it was really hot in the shop. Doing a real
nice job, scraping rust out of a debris hopper on a machine I'm fixing up to sell. After checking my watch for about the 5th time in a couple minuets, decided 5 or 6 PM just wasn't going to get here fast enough.
Decided needed to cool off on a ride.
Where to go? Last Friday left Oakland about 11:30 and went to Muir beach, then up PCH to Point Reys, goofed off and came home. Total of 183 miles. Reminded me why I like California.
Today decided to go down to Half Moon Bay, short hope across San Mateo bridge then just follow hy 92 to hy 1 then make a right to Pillar Point. (bar in Pillar Point)
All went well across the bridge, traffic medium and moving
70 mph. My 80G running fine.
Started to slow some as I started up into the hills but not bad. Over the first set of hills you come down to a set of traffic lights and the freeway ends. Got a look up ahead and cars/trucks backed up for over 1/4 mile. Forgot Devils Slide on Hy 1 south of San Francisco was still closed and a $hit load of people had to come this way to get to the coast. Sat in traffic for about 30 seconds
and it’s hotter than I like, so started splitting lanes. Went real well and got up to the first light, and just a few minuets later managed to get through the second one. Splitting lanes seemed to be working pretty good and the traffic was bumper to bumper going 10/12 mph so I decided to at least get up in front of a big truck I could see about a dozen cars ahead.
One of the on coming cars was a CHP.... As I was going past him (only going about 20mph) the cage in front pulled to the left some and I had to go over the double yellow line. The CHP blipped his siren and so I passed another dozen cars, went around a bend and past several more(now wondering if I’m going to be getting a notice to appear in the mail?). Now the road is going up and the turns average 25/30 mph and traffic is doing 15/20mph. Just to be on the safe side I passed several more cars and another truck.
At the top of this hill it’s all down to the coast and temporally goes to 4 lanes and everybody speeds up to about 40. Near the bottom it curves around to the right and goes back to two, and traffic stopped agin.
So far with all the traffic it ain’t no fun, so lane splitting agin until the cars got moving about 25. This area used to be a peaceful, relaxing ride, trees over hang the road, some cages and the occasional truck. Not today.
Finally got to Half Moon Bay, wind cooled everything down and putted on up to Pillar Point to have a drink. Beach before Pillar Point had a bunch of surfers and people on the beach. Slight haze over the ocean but you could see probably 50 miles out. Waves weren’t over about eight feet high, (good to learn to surf on). It’s only 35 miles from my shop to Half Moon Bay, took 1 ½ hours.
Cooled off for half hour in the bar. Then headed south on hy 1 along the coast. On my left are rolling hills/farms which peter out as the hills get steeper. On my right are cliffs down to the Pacific. Very light traffic. Cool breeze. Just what I’d come for. 15 miles and I come to San Gregorio and decide to turn up. This is La Honda Rd (SR 84). Went by where a family friend used to live. He had 40 acres and the creek went through his property. House was still there but several new buildings there now and it all looks totally different, so just kept on going, cruising about 45. Rolling hills give way but not quite mountains. Lota cypress trees at first then as it gets a little higher a few pines, and then redwoods. Starting a few decent twisties. Not to long and come to Alices Restaurant (sr84 La Honda Rd & sr35 Skyline Blvd.) And pop in for a soda. Only a few bikes parked. Weekends place gets packed, literally. (I don’t do weekends there or the coast anymore except in the winter) Take off north on Skyline. Very cool ride. When it rains, all the water on the east side of the road goes into SF Bay and all on the west side runs into the Pacific. Several places you can see both San Francisco Bay on one side and off on the other the Pacific Ocean. Couple places you can even see SF city. Unfortunately it’s only about 14 miles from Alices to hy 92 where I go back down into the Bay Area and freeways, cages/people/cages/people etc..etc.. This little jaunt was only 97 miles total and even with the hassle getting to Half Moon Bay was well worth the time.
Think I’m becoming a short timer for the Bay Area tho.

Decided needed to cool off on a ride.
Where to go? Last Friday left Oakland about 11:30 and went to Muir beach, then up PCH to Point Reys, goofed off and came home. Total of 183 miles. Reminded me why I like California.
Today decided to go down to Half Moon Bay, short hope across San Mateo bridge then just follow hy 92 to hy 1 then make a right to Pillar Point. (bar in Pillar Point)
All went well across the bridge, traffic medium and moving
70 mph. My 80G running fine.
Started to slow some as I started up into the hills but not bad. Over the first set of hills you come down to a set of traffic lights and the freeway ends. Got a look up ahead and cars/trucks backed up for over 1/4 mile. Forgot Devils Slide on Hy 1 south of San Francisco was still closed and a $hit load of people had to come this way to get to the coast. Sat in traffic for about 30 seconds
and it’s hotter than I like, so started splitting lanes. Went real well and got up to the first light, and just a few minuets later managed to get through the second one. Splitting lanes seemed to be working pretty good and the traffic was bumper to bumper going 10/12 mph so I decided to at least get up in front of a big truck I could see about a dozen cars ahead.
One of the on coming cars was a CHP.... As I was going past him (only going about 20mph) the cage in front pulled to the left some and I had to go over the double yellow line. The CHP blipped his siren and so I passed another dozen cars, went around a bend and past several more(now wondering if I’m going to be getting a notice to appear in the mail?). Now the road is going up and the turns average 25/30 mph and traffic is doing 15/20mph. Just to be on the safe side I passed several more cars and another truck.
At the top of this hill it’s all down to the coast and temporally goes to 4 lanes and everybody speeds up to about 40. Near the bottom it curves around to the right and goes back to two, and traffic stopped agin.
So far with all the traffic it ain’t no fun, so lane splitting agin until the cars got moving about 25. This area used to be a peaceful, relaxing ride, trees over hang the road, some cages and the occasional truck. Not today.
Finally got to Half Moon Bay, wind cooled everything down and putted on up to Pillar Point to have a drink. Beach before Pillar Point had a bunch of surfers and people on the beach. Slight haze over the ocean but you could see probably 50 miles out. Waves weren’t over about eight feet high, (good to learn to surf on). It’s only 35 miles from my shop to Half Moon Bay, took 1 ½ hours.
Cooled off for half hour in the bar. Then headed south on hy 1 along the coast. On my left are rolling hills/farms which peter out as the hills get steeper. On my right are cliffs down to the Pacific. Very light traffic. Cool breeze. Just what I’d come for. 15 miles and I come to San Gregorio and decide to turn up. This is La Honda Rd (SR 84). Went by where a family friend used to live. He had 40 acres and the creek went through his property. House was still there but several new buildings there now and it all looks totally different, so just kept on going, cruising about 45. Rolling hills give way but not quite mountains. Lota cypress trees at first then as it gets a little higher a few pines, and then redwoods. Starting a few decent twisties. Not to long and come to Alices Restaurant (sr84 La Honda Rd & sr35 Skyline Blvd.) And pop in for a soda. Only a few bikes parked. Weekends place gets packed, literally. (I don’t do weekends there or the coast anymore except in the winter) Take off north on Skyline. Very cool ride. When it rains, all the water on the east side of the road goes into SF Bay and all on the west side runs into the Pacific. Several places you can see both San Francisco Bay on one side and off on the other the Pacific Ocean. Couple places you can even see SF city. Unfortunately it’s only about 14 miles from Alices to hy 92 where I go back down into the Bay Area and freeways, cages/people/cages/people etc..etc.. This little jaunt was only 97 miles total and even with the hassle getting to Half Moon Bay was well worth the time.
Think I’m becoming a short timer for the Bay Area tho.