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House of Kolor paints

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  • House of Kolor paints

    i've heard a lot of good things about these paints, but trying to actuall SEE them before you order enough for you project is a pain in the butt. the only way to get a color chip/card/sample is to buy the complete color book from HoK for $43. (assuming you don't have a body shop near you using their paints). i can readily understand a $1 or $2 per color, or something like that, but $43 for the priveledge of viewing the colors is a bit much in my opinion. maybe i'm wrong, maybe all paint companies are like that and i don't know it yet. as for me, looks like i'll be going with Dupont or whatever other manufacturers the local paint shops use. to be fair, i'm also typing this after going through 3 different phone menu systems, trying to track down people who can't help and send you to someone else, so i'm a bit ticked, but still trying to be polite.

  • #2
    There is a HOK distributor just a few hours from me so I can go in and look at the real thing. Because their stuff is not solid colour like you see in many other types of paint, the colour of primer makes a huge difference in the appearance of the final paint. Similarly, two coats of a given paint will look entirely different than just one coat, even over the same primer. If you could get a single sample, you would have to speficiy exactly which primer you wanted it on, how many coats of colour, what kind of clearcoat, etc, etc.

    I also found that both of the bodyshops here in my own town have used HOK products so they have the complete sets of samples. Maybe you'll get luck by trying a few more local shops, especially if you can find one that tends towards higher-end, custom work.
    Ken Talbot


    • #3

      even the HoK people couldn't finad anyone closer then a little over an hour away. ah well, i'll just go another route. worst case scenario Dupont is right up the road.


      • #4
        candy colors

        thats the price you pay to have a candy paint job. My former boss has the chip book. We did many candy paint jobs. Like Ken stated one colr can actually be 10-15 different colors,(thats why so much for the chip book. How about candy tanjerine over a silver mist base?) Or oriental blue over gold base...dont like it try silver base with oreintal blue add five more drops of blue and go for the ghost flames.try here
        this is the place i used to work for.check out the customs and my relocated gas fill jobs.
        Last edited by chevy45412001; 11-17-2005, 02:00 AM.
        1982 XJ 1100
        going strong after 60,000 miles

        The new and not yet improved TRIXY
        now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles


        • #5
          hok makes alot of nice color but so does ppg so either way you go if yuo have to buy the chip books it will cost you the price of the books but alot of ppg places have the books on hand you can look at
          79 yamaha xs1100f standard
          best 1/4 mile 13.282@99.40


          • #6

            translation please for ppg? (fairly new at this, i need mechanic to english translations still some times lol)


            • #7
              Ken Talbot


              • #8
                thanks ken i have beenout of town for the last few days ppg is a good paint too
                79 yamaha xs1100f standard
                best 1/4 mile 13.282@99.40

