Put on a set of Tusk Bar Risers today. Like em a lot. 1.2" of lift. It took some pressure off my back I didn't even realize was there. It puts the stock mirrors in a way better position. Seems like steering effort is less, and my arms are way more relaxed. Only did a short test ride, but it seemed to be a good thing.
eBay deal, 280757984857 is the item #. Shipped from Terrebonne, OR and arrived on the 3rd day. Nicely polished aluminum, very well machined, quick 5 min. job. Adjusting the mirrors and levers took more time. $19.86 with free shipping. I'm a happy guy with this one.
eBay deal, 280757984857 is the item #. Shipped from Terrebonne, OR and arrived on the 3rd day. Nicely polished aluminum, very well machined, quick 5 min. job. Adjusting the mirrors and levers took more time. $19.86 with free shipping. I'm a happy guy with this one.