First off I want to say that it's been a while, and I'm sorry about that I feel like on of those guys that joins a forum for info and then runs once I've gotten the info I needed.
However, that's not the case. But, I am exited to say that I've joined the ranks of the sidecar riders, well kinda? Hopefully Fred will be proud? I wont be chopping this one up either, it's been quite a project so far! Here's a link It's a CJ750 (a Chinese BMW) titled as a 1957 but I highly doubt the accuracy of that. It is a replica of the German R71 and supposedly as the story goes during WWII the Russians took over a BMW factory and reverse engineered the R71 into the URAL and then in 1957 sold the original plans to the Chinese (PLA) who still uses them today, if that's all true I'm not sure, but I can buy it? It's been a fun project and hopefully if it ever becomes reliable I'll be able to ride it while I put some effort back into my XS. Well I hope that you have all been doing good and I look forward to getting back into the Fold.
