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Electric scooter

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  • Electric scooter

    So I go make a dump run. Landfill has a little "store" where you can buy stuff that still might be good. I drop $5 on a tiny, 24v battery powered scooter figuring maybe I can get it running. How hard can it be? Ain't got no carbs so that problem is out, no disc brakes either. Clean er up, put a couple of batteries in it I had laying around, fix a couple of connections (uh oh), hit the "on" button and it lights up!!! I plop down on the seat and twist the throttle, off I go, in the garage, with the door shut. Did I mention the brakes didn't work? So, I face plant into the garage door, no ones looking so I'm good. Return bike to workbench and adjust brake. Return to seat, open garage door and twist the throttle. Zoooooommmmmm down the driveway, attempt U-turn. With about zero rake on the forks, and being slightly overloaded, the front wheel washes out. With my knees around my armpits, its kinda hard to position myself for the fall, so I biff it with the tiny scooter tangled up in a mass of arms and legs. I peel the bike from my body and roll it back into the garage, gritting my teeth from the pain of wacking my head on the driveway and smashing an elbow. Close garage door. With a flurry of expletives, I dance around the garage, alternating between rubbing the golf ball size knot on my head and what I am sure is a shattered elbow. Wife sticks her head out the door, "you ok?". "NO, I just got my arse kicked by a electric scooter!!!". "Be careful dear", she retorts, holding back a huge smile, "maybe you should put your old motocross gear on before you ride it next time", she offers. "Maybe I should turn this thing into a bench grinder", I snap back as I roll a cold beer over the knot on my head. I walk around the offending scooter, eyeing it like a cat getting ready to fight. Subsusquent rides were much less dramatic. Anyway, if some has a 24v, scooter charger laying around they don't want or need any more, lemme know. I am gonna go ice down my elbow.
    When a 10 isn't enough, get a 11. 80g Hardbagger

  • #2
    Now that would have been worth the price of admission...

    maybe you should get some pointers from prom regarding scooters...

    We have an electric scooter... Not sure of the charger but I'll check on it... The kids burned the motor out some time ago and we were going to get rid of the thing anyway...

    and now we know for sure... you CAN hit the broadside of a... well... garage...
    81 SH Something Special
    81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

    81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
    80 LG Black Magic
    78 E Standard Practice

    James 3:17

    If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

    “Alis Volat Propriis”

    Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
    For those on FB


    • #3
      should've taken a video

      this would have been better than spongebob. yea i watch it
      Romans 5:8

      But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.



      • #4
        Originally posted by firstxs1100 View Post
        this would have been better than spongebob. yea i watch it
        Hi First,
        how can you stand to watch spongebob? Not the plotlines, they're OK, it's for kids, but the drafting? I cannot find words that are adequate to say how badly that cartoon is drawn. And in a kid's show? Those poor impressionable children are being taught that the ill-proportioned and inaccurate way the show is drawn is how you are supposed to draw stuff. Picasso knew better. He knew that before you could draw a nude with two swoopy lines of black paint you had to learn to draw one in complete and accurate detail.
        Fred Hill, S'toon
        XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
        "The Flying Pumpkin"


        • #5

          i dont watch the show just for the way the charcters are drawn. maybe you do but i don't
          anyhow my kids have drawn a bunch of stuff and all that i have looked at i can't see any drawings that look anything like the stuff on spongebob. i was also just talking about how the video would have been better than spongebob. maybe webbcraft could draw us some pics of what he thinks it would have looked like when he was tangled up in a mass of arms and legs. if you do webb you better draw better than the spongebob dudes or toon might get perturbed.
          Romans 5:8

          But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.



          • #6
            Take 5, large fishing worms, dip em in paint and let them wiggle around on piece of paper. Thats what it looked like at the end of my driveway.

            And leave Spongebob outa this!!!!
            When a 10 isn't enough, get a 11. 80g Hardbagger


            • #7
              Google Carl Giles

              Originally posted by firstxs1100 View Post
              i dont watch the show just for the way the charcters are drawn. maybe you do but i don't
              anyhow my kids have drawn a bunch of stuff and all that i have looked at i can't see any drawings that look anything like the stuff on spongebob. i was also just talking about how the video would have been better than spongebob. maybe webbcraft could draw us some pics of what he thinks it would have looked like when he was tangled up in a mass of arms and legs. if you do webb you better draw better than the spongebob dudes or toon might get perturbed.
              Hi First,
              the Spongebob thing pushed one of my hot buttons. After 45 years as a draftsman that cartoon's lousy drawings means I just can't stand to watch it.
              And if Webb can't draw better than those guys at least he isn't displaying a total lack of talent on national TV.
              Fred Hill, S'toon
              XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
              "The Flying Pumpkin"


              • #8
                I FINALLY checked it out...

                Okay... sorry... our charger is a 44V...

                I'm staying out of the Spongebob deal... (sort of)... but I watch it too... somehow the TV just turns itself to that channel...
                81 SH Something Special
                81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

                79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
                81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
                80 LG Black Magic
                78 E Standard Practice

                James 3:17

                If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

                “Alis Volat Propriis”

                Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
                For those on FB


                • #9

                  I read this the other day and I'm still laughing! Thanks for sharing.

                  1983 XJ1100 Maxim
                  1979 XS1100 Standard
                  1980 XS1100 Special

                  I'm not a motorcycle mechanic but I play one on the internet.


                  • #10
                    I'm not sure whats more funny...the original post abt the scooter or the morphing of this thread into SpongeBob bashing....y'all should be ASHAMED of yourselves ASHAMED I SAY
                    1980 XS650G Special-Two
                    1993 Honda ST1100


                    • #11

                      If it is a 24V battery, then use two 12V chargers in series to charge the battery. If it is two (2) 12V batteries in series, use a 12V charger to charge one battery and then the other.

