I have 6-7 year old RCA 27 inch tv. On occasion, the sound will just revert to static. I have found that unplugging the set for a few seconds, and then plugging it back in, will retsore the sound. Is there like a sound card in these sets that can be replaced? Is it worth trying to repair the set, or should I get a new one?
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Here's a totally off topic question...
Sounds like my SWMBO, too!
Hey John,
Sometimes I get static from SWMBO too, but darn, if I can't find "HER" Off switch!
So, it apparently will only RESET if you unplug it? Will it reset IF you turn the power on and off with the REMOTE? As far as I know, the sound circuit is part of the main circuit board, like computers that have video and sound built into the mobo!
Perhaps you're just getting in the way of it's reception with all of that hardware in your back!!!...had to do it!!
Shocking the circuits with a plug/unplug cycle sounds like either a loose/cold solder joint, or possibly a marginal capacitor going?
You'll want to be careful if you pull the cover off, I've heard that there are capacitors in there that keep a charge with the set OFF, and could give you a wallup of a jolt!?
27" TV's are now very commonplace and cheap, and at over $35.00 or more per hour tech fees, you're probably better off just getting a new one for a couple of hundred!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
If you are good with a soldering iron you can fix it yourself..just pull the back off the set ..with this model rca made the tuner into the main chassi..the problem is the solder joints around the tuner..just resolder the ground points around the tuner and the sound problem will be fixed...the longer you let it go the worse the problem will get....like the screen will colapse verticaly and intermentant snowy picture...worse case you will have to replcae the eeprom....easy fix right now.
I'd agree, sounds like a bad solder joint. I'f you feel brave, it may be worth a try. Stay away from the yoke on the tube, as well. It hurts.Most modern tubes have a bleeder resistor now so they discharge much quicker, but they still can give you quite a wallop.
I learned to repair TV's in a high school vocational class. One day while trying to look at the picture in a mirror while making an adjustment I reached around and caught the yoke with my (sweaty) forearm. Knocked the bejeezus outta me. Threw me up against a wall and there I sat for about 5 minutes trying to reclaim my higher brain functions.
I don't recommend it.80 XS1100SG
81 XS400SH
Some men miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
A Few Animations I've Made
John? JOHN ARE YOU ALIVE? Let us know 1) You didn't get electrocuted by the capacitors 2) If you got your problem fixed. This is real neat! JACKS OF ALL TRADES.................?DEW
One Red "Creation 1"
One Black"Creation 2"
One Black"Creation 3"
One ???? "Creation 4"
One ???? "Creation 5"
One ???? "Parts Bike"
All the above 1100 Specials
78 Standard (Ruf Ruf)
1980 Midnight Special
1978 650 SE