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xs 1100 for sale

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  • xs 1100 for sale

    A guy I work with mentioned to me that he has a XS 1100 that he wants to sell for $200. SWMBO strongly objected to moving another bike into the garage plus I still have plenty of work to do on my XJ so I thought I would mention it on here. The bike runs, needs the carbs cleaned and probably petcocks rebuilt, and sits outside . That is all I know about it at this time. The bike is in Omaha, Nebraska. I doubt if the owner would want to mess with shipping it. If anyone is interested, I will try and get more info.

    The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.

    '79 Standard
    '82 XJ1100
    '84 FJ1100

    Acta Non Verba

  • #2
    Oh... come on! $200? Buy the bike, put it in the back yard and throw a tarp over it. Save it for later.
    (yeah, this from the guy with three bikes in the dog kennel, two under tarps, three in the garage, one in the shed, and two at work)
    "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


    • #3
      Trust me, I would love to and almost had SWMBO talked into it, but we are moving in a couple months and already have 2 bikes to figure out how to transport and store.

      The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.

      '79 Standard
      '82 XJ1100
      '84 FJ1100

      Acta Non Verba


      • #4
        Forgot to mention, her option was to sell the XJ and buy the other one. I just can't see myself parting with the XJ.

        The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.

        '79 Standard
        '82 XJ1100
        '84 FJ1100

        Acta Non Verba


        • #5
          .. i'd buy that for $200. i wouldn't traval from fla to nebraska to get it ..unless i was retired and needed an adventure


          • #6
            For 200 bucks, I'd consider adding it to my stable. I have relatives in Omaha so they may be able to pick it up and keep it for me till I can get out that way again.

            If you'd be able to get more details on it, that'd be awesome. What year, how long has it been sitting outside, cosmetic shape, ever crashed, # PO's, any other pertinent info, etc... Thanks.
            -Do what makes you happy.

            '79 Honda CB 750 K (2)
            '78 XS 11 E - "Rhona"
            ...and a 2nd E, for the goodies on it.


            • #7
              Erik, I will see what I can find out. He did tell me it has 4-1 kerker headers.

              The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.

              '79 Standard
              '82 XJ1100
              '84 FJ1100

              Acta Non Verba


              • #8
                I spoke with the owner. He isn't really sure about anything but thinks it is an 80's model. Has 4-1 headers and lots of chrome so that rules out a midnight special. He said it has a blue tank with a wide yellow stripe. It does run but needs to carps cleaned. The tires are fairly new according to him. He wants $200 for it. If anyone is serious about buying it PM me and I will give you his cell phone number.

                The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.

                '79 Standard
                '82 XJ1100
                '84 FJ1100

                Acta Non Verba


                • #9
                  If you have a phone number or email address for this guy I would be interested in checking it out since I am in Iowa.
                  80 XS11 SG
                  79 XS750 SF
                  74 KZ400
                  78 KZ650
                  78 KZ750


                  • #10
                    I sent you a PM with the guys name and number.

                    The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.

                    '79 Standard
                    '82 XJ1100
                    '84 FJ1100

                    Acta Non Verba


                    • #11
                      is the bike still for sale and you got any pics of it and if you could pm me the guys info if it is still for sale
                      79 yamaha xs1100f standard
                      best 1/4 mile 13.282@99.40


                      • #12
                        I PM'd you last week, but either you haven't checked it or I did it wrong and you didn't receive it. Anyhow, I'm interested in his # as well for some info. Thanks.

                        As it seems that more than one person is interested in this bike, if anyone does take it, could you send a reply to this thread informing the other interested parties that it's no longer for sale?
                        -Do what makes you happy.

                        '79 Honda CB 750 K (2)
                        '78 XS 11 E - "Rhona"
                        ...and a 2nd E, for the goodies on it.


                        • #13
                          Sorry Erik, I didn't see the PM until today. I will PM you with his name and number.

                          The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.

                          '79 Standard
                          '82 XJ1100
                          '84 FJ1100

                          Acta Non Verba

